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I regularly get free games from IndieGala and I'm not much interested in any game clients, but today the following text caught my eye.
From today you can also use our galaClient (beta) to download our drm free products.
Now I don't know if that is just their regular free games, which are DRM-Free, or whether they have other DRM-Free games in their store. I've tried looking for them there before and even once sent an email question to them about it ... no response.

I've never bought any of their games, because from what I can tell, they all seem to be Steam Keys.

It says some other interesting things on that page ... I made those bits bold.
Install and run your owned games from any PC, Desktop or Laptop, on any platform (*Windows currently, Linux/macOS coming soon). Once installed, any single player game can be easily accessed without the need of an active internet connection, anytime, anyplace.
If any of the games they sell are Steam Key ones, how can they claim that last bold section?

Maybe I am missing something or they are not being completely honest?

Anyway, I will probably install the client just to check it out. But I won't be buying any of their 7,000 games unless they are DRM-Free.
Usually, their +18 games come as DRM free titles. Their freebies are also usually DRM free.

On a side note, people should back up their games from IndieGala in case IndieGala updates the ZIP/RAR files with the games to installers which may come with the client packaged, or have a misleading blue button that downloads the client+game right above the option that only downloads the game.
Post edited September 23, 2021 by _Auster_
Timboli: I've never bought any of their games, because from what I can tell, they all seem to be Steam Keys.
Nope, they're not.
When you look at the attached picture, you'll see that they show you for every game for which client the delivered key will be (by depicting the client's symbol).
They also show you which OS will be supported (by depicting the OS's symbol).

I added some coloured markings to hopefully make it clearer visible:

Green = DRM-free
Black = Steam
Brown = Epic Store
Orange = UPlay
Pink = Glyph
BreOl72: Nope, they're not.
When you look at the attached picture, you'll see that they show you for every game for which client the delivered key will be (by depicting the client's symbol).
They also show you which OS will be supported (by depicting the OS's symbol).

I added some coloured markings to hopefully make it clearer visible:

Green = DRM-free
Black = Steam
Brown = Epic Store
Orange = UPlay
Pink = Glyph
Ah, ok, thanks for that.

Admittedly I never looked much past the first few I occasionally checked, and it's been a while since I last checked. It was probably just my luck they were all Steam. Just shows how well they communicate the situation, such that someone else had to explain it to me.
Hi Timboli. No, sorry. I lack interest to use it myself... but not on the store and its DRM free stuff.

I haven't purchased there yet (only get the freebies). The other day considering to give them a try, I visited the forums and there is activity, however there were several posts about people buying bundles and having pending to be added to their account until someone reads the post and manually add them.
I also noticed some bundles they have with a complex logic to understand: I read its -q&a forum- and I ended up more confused lol.
Still I will keep an eye and initially purchase something cheap as test one of this days: They deserve it after all the freebies :)

Also worths to mention IG is also a developer/publisher but seems they don't take advantage doing self-promotion on the store (good point). Steam to the rescue to name some of their vgames:

If you already knew that, please ignore & excuse my poor knowledge talking :)
BreOl72: snip
BreOl72: I join the thanks for the symbol explanation :)
_Auster_: snip
_Auster_: Thanks too! Do you have experience about how IG handles updated offline installer versions?
They just overwrite the same zip filename? I am just curious
tag+: _Auster_: Thanks too! Do you have experience about how IG handles updated offline installer versions?
They just overwrite the same zip filename? I am just curious
If they ever updated any of the games or ebooks I have there, I don't think I've ever been notified. Sorry if I can't help more.
Ah the dodgy carsalespeople of the shrinking indie bundle world. Nope and Nope.
_Auster_: Usually, their +18 games come as DRM free titles.
No worries ... not that I am much interested in them ... the titillating ones anyway ... unless free of course ... ha ha ha.
_Auster_: On a side note, people should back up their games from IndieGala in case ...
Yep, always wise to backup games you can immediately download, for all the obvious reasons.
tag+: I haven't purchased there yet (only get the freebies). The other day considering to give them a try, I visited the forums and there is activity, however there were several posts about people buying bundles and having pending to be added to their account until someone reads the post and manually add them.
I also noticed some bundles they have with a complex logic to understand: I read its -q&a forum- and I ended up more confused lol.
Still I will keep an eye and initially purchase something cheap as test one of this days: They deserve it after all the freebies :)

Also worths to mention IG is also a developer/publisher but seems they don't take advantage doing self-promotion on the store (good point). Steam to the rescue to name some of their vgames:

If you already knew that, please ignore & excuse my poor knowledge talking :)
Thanks for the info, and I admit I have not investigated them much ... didn't feel like much point, when everything other than freebies seemed to be a Steam Key. I will probably investigate a bit more now thanks to BreOl72.
Post edited September 24, 2021 by Timboli
Niggles: Ah the dodgy carsalespeople of the shrinking indie bundle world. Nope and Nope.
Mmmm please explain exactly why you think them dodgy?

They certainly have a lot of big name games advertised and made available on their store and a regular blog by one or more of their employees or affiliates, discussing movies and games, etc.

I think you may have judged the book by its cover ... and an older one at that.

Not that I am praising IndieGala, other than for the freebies they provide, and of which I have many many ... been using them since some time in 2018.

I've also had my issues with them now and then. In fact, I cannot even use my Chrome based browser with them. It just stopped being able to access the site one day, and after fruitless emails with them, I just turned to using another browser ... just for IndieGala ... the fastest Firefox clone. Support was always prompt and responsive though, aside from the no reply about DRM-Free.
If the games are DRM-free why do I need a client? Sounds fishy to me.
Timboli: Mmmm please explain exactly why you think them dodgy?

They certainly have a lot of big name games advertised and made available on their store and a regular blog by one or more of their employees or affiliates, discussing movies and games, etc.

I think you may have judged the book by its cover ... and an older one at that.

Not that I am praising IndieGala, other than for the freebies they provide, and of which I have many many ... been using them since some time in 2018.

I've also had my issues with them now and then. In fact, I cannot even use my Chrome based browser with them. It just stopped being able to access the site one day, and after fruitless emails with them, I just turned to using another browser ... just for IndieGala ... the fastest Firefox clone. Support was always prompt and responsive though, aside from the no reply about DRM-Free.
From my experience, Chrome does panic with IndieGala.

One such case that happened to me was when I downloaded a Ren'Py game from them, Windows Defender flagged the exe as a false positive (WinDefender DOES NOT like Ren'Py), then Chrome noticed and started blocking my downloads from their servers by default (privacy much?).
_Auster_: Windows Defender flagged the exe as a false positive, then Chrome noticed and started blocking my downloads from their servers by default (privacy much?).
Well, while you may not like it, you are hopefully aware that that was done to protect you from possible malware?
You know - many PC users have little to zero knowledge about security stuff, so this is actually something good.
And I'm sure, if you are in the know about these things, you can easily circumvent them.
tag+: _Auster_: Thanks too! Do you have experience about how IG handles updated offline installer versions?
They just overwrite the same zip filename? I am just curious
_Auster_: If they ever updated any of the games or ebooks I have there, I don't think I've ever been notified. Sorry if I can't help more.
Roger, thank you _Auster_
samuraigaiden: If the games are DRM-free why do I need a client? Sounds fishy to me.
You don't need their client, and I imagine it is also mostly for their other games, which they have much more of.

If you have ever used their site, then getting to games in your library there, is clunky to say the least. Kind of okay for recent games, but the farther back in time you acquired the game, the more painful it is to get to it. So supposedly the client improves on that.

And of course, you don't suffer browser issues like I and others have had, if you use the client. The client did not exist at that time for me, else I may have used it ... still might. I'm not against clients, just feel they need to be a voluntary use thing ... like it currently is.

P.S. At the moment I cannot test the client, as this web browsing PC I use is not 64 bit.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by Timboli