HunchBluntley: I cannot envision any way in which this could be a good Indy movie.
Breja: Why? I mean, I can get low expectations, but even if the chance is slight, I don't see a reason why it being good should be outright impossible.
Because the person playing Indy is too old for that kind of role (I'm not against "old people kicking ass"-type movies, but that's not the kind of series this is); the filmmakers' judgement is highly suspect after the last movie (alien bullshit doesn't belong in a series mostly inspired by 1930s action-adventure serials, and the idea that they seem to have been trying to set up Shia Lafuckingbeouf as Ford's successor in the series is mind-boggling); and the further the series' setting moves away from the first half of the 20th century, the less well its particular schtick will work (as evil "bad guys" go, Nazis > Soviets, and the idea of the archaeologist as "tomb robber focused on procuring museum pieces" starts to seem like more of the uncomfortable anachronism that it is if the story takes place in, say, the '60s or '70s).
Obviously, a fair bit of this is based on my personal opinion, but I still think some good things should just be allowed to exist on their own merits, to slip into the past, well-regarded and fondly remembered, rather than being repeatedly resurrected in increasingly ludicrous forms by studios (smelling money) and, sometimes (as in this case), the original filmmakers and/or stars (seeking to to revisit their glory days one more time...and also smelling money), because fangeeks (who don't understand concepts like "moderation" and "ending on a high note") demand it, and will reliably blow their money on absolute dog shit as long as it has the name of their favorite thing on it. ("I can't
believe how bad that movie was -- worst in the series! So I only bought the 2-disc Special Edition, rather than the 5-disc Legacy Edition that comes in the collector's tin. No
way I'd pay $120 for that! ...Maybe $60.")
Maybe after a decade or two, this series could be rebooted (with a different lead, obviously) -- in the meantime they could even do stuff like the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" again -- but I just hate the idea in general that anything that's even remotely good or popular must have
moar sequalz!!!!! (This I why I don't usually post -- on-topic, anyway -- in this sort of "So-and-so announces the next Dealybobber moviecomicshowgametechthingyblarg" speculation/hype/bitching topic. I'm the Anti-Hype. :) )