DaCostaBR: Fun fact: The name Dooku is pronounced the same way as the portuguese words "do cu", which means "from the butthole" or "of butthole"
Here they changed his name to Dookan precisely to avoid people from snickering.
From that same movie we also had Master Sifo-Dyas, which sounds like "se fodia", which in portuguese means "kept getting fucked", or maybe more literally "kept fucking himself".
That one they changed to Zaifo-Vias, but I watched it subtitled and I knew what I heard, the Master Kept-Getting-Fucked trained the Count of Butthole, that's what you said Lucas.
That is awesome. XD
And, yeah, Lucas was never very good at coming up with names -- a lot of the throw-away characters and alien races from the original films wound up with names that are rather embarrassing in hindsight: Klaatu, Barada, Mon Calamari, and plenty more.
P.S.: "Dooku" doesn't sound much more dignified in English -- it's very close to "dookie", a slang term for feces. ;D