Gee...THANKS GOG. Now instead of 430+ games to plough through looking for updates (thanks to the update system that
you broke and haven't bothered to fix yet) I now have 540+ games to slog through.
How about spending time on features that users have
actually asked for (and no - unbundling wasn't one of them - the
one related request came post-change and is to give users the ability to reverse it!) and fixing features that
used to work rather than adding options of no use or relevance?
There's clearly time and effort being spent on website changes, yet every one made in recent months has served to make GOG slower, more bloated and more prone to crashing in Firefox (the home page Javascript was crashing Firefox constantly last week, so thank goodness that's fixed). Using it has become a total pain and it makes me wonder if GOG is trying to "fix" the complaints of managing large libraries by making it harder and harder to access them.
Even *posting* here has been a struggle since whoever knocked up GOG's "new post" script seems to have forgotten there are people posting from laptops or netbooks with small screens. Result? The Cancel and Post buttons are not visible at 1024x640 resolution unless you hide Windows' taskbar and disable any browser extension status bar and there's no indicator of this since the window lacks a vertical scrollbar. Did GOG shoot their competent web developers, or do they think everyone is using a 4K monitor these days?