lobo_1: Hi,
My library used to keep it's order up to the 630th title before. Any more games and you can forget about keeping them in order.
mrkgnao: "640 games ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Goges, 2015
Heh. 640k is an interesting number that a lot of younger folks never looked into.
For those who don't know, the 8088 chip used in the original IBM PC accessed memory using two 16-bit numbers:
1. A memory address from 0 to 64k
2. A segment offset delimited in multiples of 10 bytes. (That's where the 640k comes from. 64k * 10)
It's actually kind of funny how much legacy compatibility is still left in modern x86 CPUs. To boot up a 64-bit OS, you must first...
1. [url=http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/A20.html]Toggle the A20 line[/url] to disable memory wrap-around at the 640k boundary. (286 CPUs and beyond)
2. Switch the CPU into protected mode for 32-bit operation (modern form introduced with the 386)
3. Switch the CPU into long mode for 64-bit operation (introduced by the AMD Opteron and Athlon 64 chips and copied by Intel after the failure of the Itanium)
That's why you can still boot DOS on a brand new 64-bit x86 CPU as long as motherboard's UEFI firmware includes legacy BIOS compatibility support.
phaolo: Why do people insist with the manual ordering?
I have never found a site that kept it for long.. it always gets disrupted, so it's just a waste of time :\
PaterAlf: I love the manual ordering, because it helps me to keep an overview about the games that 've completed, installed and played. When you have a huge collection, it's very helpful in my eyes. Besides that the alphabetical ordering of GOG doesn't work very well (you can read lots of complains about it in this thread) and so I use the manual sorting to correct it (and to keep series together).
I just:
1. Import my collection into IsThereAnyDeal.com (which covers all the vendors I buy from and has a field for unplayed/played/beaten/completed)
2. Use the search field to deal with GOG's collection when I need to (When you have ~780 games and had over 600
before unbundling, both shelf and list view are inadequate without the snappiness of a local application)
3. Use lgogdownloader to handle downloading
4. Rely on my own local mechanisms for keeping track of what's installed (eg. GOG will never track whether I've run `sudo apt-get install
openttd` and that's one of my favourite games. Likewise, why would I bother with Star Control 2 when The Ur-Quan Masters is a native Linux port of the enhanced 3DO release?)