paladin181: I had it. It wasn't lore friendly, nor was it very good. First person puzzles using limited charges from "terangreal" which seemed to miss the real point of the books as well as just be an annoying ammunition control game feature.
kalirion: Ah well, nevermind then. I remember playing the demo a bit, mostly in multiplayer which felt like a "rock paper scissors" as far as which powers to use, though I personally just spammed some giant slow homing orbs with had perfect tracking/pathfinding. I'm guessing there was a power that could dispell them, but nobody really knew which one at the time.
You could either reflect them, so they'd home in back on whoever first released them, or just shift out of their way so they'd lose their targetting, after which they'd continue on a straight path. Both options offered interesting possibilities if you timed your counter-measure right. There'd be a lot of duels between people reflecting seekers back and forth (purposefully staying relatively close together), and then attempting to get in a final reflect in the last split-second before their reflect would run out, with a long enough path for the seeker to go that their opponent wouldn't be protected by their own reflect anymore.
Of course, while you'd be busy doing that, someone else would be lining up the perfect balefire shot, or just wait around the corner with some fresh fireballs. Ah, good times! (So yeah, multiplayer had a bit of a learning curve to play well.)
I agree that the lore of WoT was pretty lacking in the game, but I do think that level design got a lot of things right, and I remember the atmosphere of it all to frequently feel spot on. (The Ways in particular were very well done.) Good architecture, too, and in general worth playing.
Oh, and you know what IP-based game I'd really love to see here?
Death Gate!