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lazydog: Marketing trickery, no more and no less, and you fell for it.
Hmmm well seeing as i don't have TV, or take not of ads hardly at all... i seem to be fairly immune...

Although i have no clue what's coming out anymore...
Don't buy from the idiot scalpers. They will get angry and lower their prices later, after all, it's just going to be stuck at their house until it gets sold. Trust me, people get irritated at things don't sell after awhile. (Looks at books and DVD that have been listed on Amazon for over a year and not sold).

Time to clean house. XD
Uh.. Apehater's and Fenixp's similar Shodan avatars got me confused O_o
lazydog: Marketing trickery, no more and no less, and you fell for it.
rtcvb32: Hmmm well seeing as i don't have TV, or take not of ads hardly at all... i seem to be fairly immune...

Although i have no clue what's coming out anymore...
Me neither, but someone wants to buy this shit

Or rather, some shrewd shit would like to make you think you need to buy NOW AT ANY PRICE. EXCLUSIVES APPLY!
Post edited February 22, 2015 by lazydog
apehater: i read it and its horible, why whyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do people this
Rich idiots -_-'
The word "Collectible", just like steam trading cards, has lost its meaning.
"Why is it considered collectible? Because they made only a few."
"Why did they make only a few? To make it collectible...................."
Lusting after something as overtly materialistic as that makes you part of the problem. It's not like a regular version won't play exactly the same games.
Navagon: Lusting after something as overtly materialistic as that makes you part of the problem. It's not like a regular version won't play exactly the same games.
I don't even see the problem here. Some people want to resell something that is high on demand for a profit. Why not? If you find the resell price disagreeable, then don't buy it until the prices drop or not at all.
Or is your "passion" more like a compulsion?
Acriz: I don't even see the problem here. Some people want to resell something that is high on demand for a profit. Why not? If you find the resell price disagreeable, then don't buy it until the prices drop or not at all.
Or is your "passion" more like a compulsion?
It's bad because s***ty vultures interested only in profit steal the item from the real fans just to resell it overpriced to them.
Acriz: I don't even see the problem here. Some people want to resell something that is high on demand for a profit. Why not? If you find the resell price disagreeable, then don't buy it until the prices drop or not at all.
Or is your "passion" more like a compulsion?
phaolo: It's bad because s***ty vultures interested only in profit steal the item from the real fans just to resell it overpriced to them.
Maybe you should calm down a bit, take step backwards and evaluate your priorities. If you do this, you might realise, that your fanatism towards a certain brand is the reason why some people try to exploit you and other fans.
phaolo: [...] It's bad because s***ty vultures interested only in profit steal the item from the real fans just to resell it overpriced to them.
But that just means that it could be sold for far more money by the producer.
I mean the internet says that the iPhone 6 (for example) has an production cost of 263$ and a 70% margin.
It could be sold for 270$ for profit, but if people want to pay waaaay more they are part of the problem (as some else already state I think)
Navagon: Lusting after something as overtly materialistic as that makes you part of the problem. It's not like a regular version won't play exactly the same games.
Acriz: I don't even see the problem here. Some people want to resell something that is high on demand for a profit. Why not? If you find the resell price disagreeable, then don't buy it until the prices drop or not at all.
Or is your "passion" more like a compulsion?
Precisely. It's all a matter of supply and demand. If people can bu these things in bulk because they expect to make a decent profit (even when paying the RRP themselves) then all that tells you is that the RRP was too low. Or that they're very much mistaken and will have to drop their prices accordingly.

Either way, if anyone's at fault it's Nintendo for pricing an exclusive product at a not very exclusive price, thus creating the false impression of attainability among consumers.
Acriz: Maybe you should calm down a bit, take step backwards and evaluate your priorities. If you do this, you might realise, that your fanatism towards a certain brand is the reason why some people try to exploit you and other fans.
That makes no sense, it's like you're saying that such scalpers are right to exploit the fans.. because they are fans.
(by the way, I'm speaking in general, I don't care about Nintendo)

Khadgar42: But that just means that it could be sold for far more money by the producer.
And so..? We were talking about those annoying scalpers, not about the original price.
Post edited February 22, 2015 by phaolo
phaolo: It's bad because s***ty vultures interested only in profit steal the item from the real fans just to resell it overpriced to them.
Acriz: Maybe you should calm down a bit, take step backwards and evaluate your priorities. If you do this, you might realise, that your fanatism towards a certain brand is the reason why some people try to exploit you and other fans.
Yes. Why should people have feelings and likes for things? Passions and interests are such weaknesses. You might even say people like that deserve to be taken advantage of.
gooberking: Basically trolls demanding money to cross bridges they didn't build.
Best description of scalpers ever.

gooberking: But then that probably describes 80% of how most businesses work, so.... what do you do?
Nah. Most businesses actually produce something or provide a legitimate service.

Navagon: Lusting after something as overtly materialistic as that makes you part of the problem. It's not like a regular version won't play exactly the same games.
Anti-materialistic hipster bullshit aside (:P), the regular version is widely sold out, too. Not a single local store had a New 3DS of any kind in stock when I was shopping earlier this week.

The real question is: Why does Nintendo love scalpers? Nintendo isn't getting a cut of those inflated prices, so why do they create that market by artificially limiting supply?

I imagine they believe it creates excitement for the product... but I tend towards thinking it mostly just pisses people off.