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low rated
I am pretty certain the government is not gonna spy on everyone because well I'm sure they can tell who is a completely normal person/citizen, and who is a terrorists/drug dealer/serial killer.

Like think of the person that is running this and they will think "yeah this guy is clearly just a nobody lets leave him alone and follow these clearly suspect characters"
Maxvorstadt: Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
vsr: That's why i'm not giving them sensitive information, and even if it goes through them, i use encryption.

edit: USA is spying on everyone for ages. Snowden is hiding from them in Russia for revealing the this truth.
Death warrant is waiting for him in USA. :/
Exactly, everybody is already spying on everybody else.
The passing of CISA only makes it more official to the general public.
Well at least Clapper would not have had resort to "lie" about the fact that the NSA collects broadly data on united states citizens, instead he just could have said, "No, we do not need to do that, private corporations collect the data and hand it to us if something seems suspicious."

What is a bit strange, there is absolutely nothing in the big newspapers about it here in Germany, nothing.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by MaGo72
Yeah but this is just like DRM- if they trusted you more than they trusted a terrorist, they'd understand that all this monitoring is useless. And what proof is really even there that people planning terrorist attacks plan them through facebook? Or what kind of search behavior a terrorist will have?

And of course there's the part that the government doesn't respect our privacy or dignity. Why live in a ''free'' country if everything you say and do is being monitored for ''dangerous'' material?

And now that this has passed, and we aren't angry, won't they bundle other stuff in this as well? What if today the US gets spying in a budget pill and tomorrow all countries get free speech censorship through a similar move?

Its like SecureROM when you think about it. They put in malicious stuff in something that wasn't supposed to have it.
MaGo72: Well at least Clapper would not have had resort to "lie" about the fact that the NSA collects broadly data on united states citizens, instead he just could have said, "No, we do not need to that, private corporations collect the data and hand it to us if something seems suspicious."
Yup that is the worst part.
Don't forget these are the same hipsters who run Google Ideas and erase ''hate speech'' from their social networks. And have a penchant for sensationalism. What really won't be ''suspicious'' in their eyes?
Post edited December 20, 2015 by Shadowstalker16
Looks like George Orwell wasn't that far off...
Here is something about the miracle of some cunning foreseeing investors to help fund Google back then:

"Insurge Intelligence, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority.’"
Post edited December 20, 2015 by MaGo72
Shadowstalker16: Use duckduckgo. I started today.
I started using it over one year ago. showed up since then and I'm using it too in some cases.

On the same note, here are two interesting and useful browser plugins I can recommend (they'll mostly agree with you if you're using Firefox or Chrome):
Scum. The lot of em.
Those that would give up liberty for security deserve neither.
And our leaders move one step closer to being real life inflated versions of James Bond movie villains.
Oh no! You're telling me the government will now know what games I buy/play and what porn I watch? *gasp* I'd say it's going to affect me little to not at all. Go ahead Uncle Sam, collect all that data about my boring life! Nap time for your agents. You're welcome! =P

All them social media zombies are not going to notice either way.
Shadowstalker16: A good guide on moving forward after this :
Thanks for this!
low rated
Elmofongo: I am pretty certain the government is not gonna spy on everyone because well I'm sure they can tell who is a completely normal person/citizen, and who is a terrorists/drug dealer/serial killer.

Like think of the person that is running this and they will think "yeah this guy is clearly just a nobody lets leave him alone and follow these clearly suspect characters"
who is a terrorists/drug dealer/serial killer,why??????????
Didn't think they did it in prison as they are already locked up and under guard and being watched 24/7.

"yeah this guy is clearly just a nobody lets leave him alone and follow these clearly suspect characters"
Brillant statements,just like your idiot threads.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by Tauto
WinterSnowfall: On the same note, here are two interesting and useful browser plugins I can recommend (they'll mostly agree with you if you're using Firefox or Chrome):
Both plugins say they require a much different version than I'm running. https-everywhere needs v26 and privacy Badger needs 35...

Are there plugins that use older browsers?
Post edited December 20, 2015 by rtcvb32
Still surprises me this crap can actually happen. It's retarded to see things like this pass because they put it into pretty much unrelated bills.

Reminds when when watching the Daily Show when apparently some anti-gun reform laws were simply added into an agricultural bill that passesd. And the kicker being that they don't even know who added it to the bill. Stuff like that can actually be done anonimously.

Retarded system.