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So its was passed. Yup. And facebook and apple and all the many other two faced pigs that were ''against'' it were supporting it. So now whatever you use the internet and use the popular services like google or facebook, your data could be shifting through Uncle Sam's monitor distracting him from real terrorists and pedophiles. Here's an article reporting on it :

A good guide on moving forward after this :

No one seemed to notice beyond the GG thread so I thought we could use a general thread.
This one is a good highlight:
"Why was the CISA included in the omnibus package, which just passed both the House and the Senate? Because any "nay" votes - or an Obama - would also threaten the entire budget of the federal government.

In other words, it was a question of either Americans keeping their privacy or halting the funding of the US government, in effect bankrupting the nation.

And best of all, the rushed bill means there will be no debate."
The lawyers that came up with that should be given an Evil Genius award.
Nirth: This one is a good highlight:

"Why was the CISA included in the omnibus package, which just passed both the House and the Senate? Because any "nay" votes - or an Obama - would also threaten the entire budget of the federal government.

In other words, it was a question of either Americans keeping their privacy or halting the funding of the US government, in effect bankrupting the nation.

And best of all, the rushed bill means there will be no debate."
Nirth: The lawyers that came up with that should be given an Evil Genius award.
No - They should hang!!!
If anyone was doubting our gov's shady street cred, here you go.
low rated
Bills like these get passed because the general public WANTS these bills to get passed.

The average person these days is obsessed with safety, security and comfort. They will happily give away their rights for the promises of more security.

Majority of patriot act supporters were women because they wanted online safety from supposed harassment and more security in their day to day lives.

Some of the slutwalk supporters in my neighbourhood are totally okay with the government putting up surveillance in every corner of the street. Their logic is that when they go to party dressed up like sluts, they want the feeling of safety knowing that the government is watching their back.
People like this happily support more government intrusion.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by tort1234
high rated
tort1234: Bills like these get passed because the general public WANTS these bills to get passed.
Incorrect. We've smacked variations of this sucker down so many times in the last decade it isn't even funny. The problem is we're in a war of attrition with our own goddamned government, and everybody is too busy trying desperately to stay alive to actually have effort left over to rally once again. Vote people out of office? They get replaced by new people who run on one thing and then proceed to bend over like all the rest. It's like dealing with a fucking hydra but nobody has a torch. /rant
low rated
tort1234: Bills like these get passed because the general public WANTS these bills to get passed.

The average person these days is obsessed with safety, security and comfort. They will happily give away their rights for the promises of more security.

Majority of patriot act supporters were women because they wanted online safety from supposed harassment and more security in their day to day lives.

Some of the slutwalk supporters in my neighbourhood are totally okay with the government putting up surveillance in every corner of the street. Their logic is that when they go to party dressed up like sluts, they want the feeling of safety knowing that the government is watching their back.
People like this happily support more government intrusion.
What a load of crap!!! No one wants their privacy intruded on.
low rated
Why everyone cares about this American law?
I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
high rated
vsr: Why everyone cares about this American law?
I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
tort1234: Bills like these get passed because the general public WANTS these bills to get passed.

The average person these days is obsessed with safety, security and comfort. They will happily give away their rights for the promises of more security.

Majority of patriot act supporters were women because they wanted online safety from supposed harassment and more security in their day to day lives.

Some of the slutwalk supporters in my neighbourhood are totally okay with the government putting up surveillance in every corner of the street. Their logic is that when they go to party dressed up like sluts, they want the feeling of safety knowing that the government is watching their back.
People like this happily support more government intrusion.
Or, there is some group of people out there that are determined to get stuff through and have spent years trying over and over while leaning on a principle of single success. Failure doesn't matter when you need only 1 win.

What the hell is a "slutwalk" supporter? And please, be very specific.
vsr: Why everyone cares about this American law?
I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
Maxvorstadt: Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
That's why i'm not giving them sensitive information, and even if it goes through them, i use encryption.

edit: USA is spying on everyone for ages. Snowden is hiding from them in Russia for revealing the this truth.
Death warrant is waiting for him in USA. :/
Post edited December 20, 2015 by vsr
Maxvorstadt: Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
vsr: That's why i'm not giving them sensitive information, and even if it goes through them, i use encryption.

edit: USA is spying on everyone for ages. Snowden is hiding from them in Russia for revealing the this truth.
Death warrant is waiting for him in USA. :/
Of course it's been going on for years,but no one wants it to be the norm or legalized.
....I agree with Tauto on this one. This just slipped it in, in a budget bill.

Why should people from Russia care? Read up on Edward Snowden and his releases. Even if there government isn't asking our government for help in setting up surveillance systems in their country which in turn they give us some access to their networks. Things like these should be in check.
low rated
Emachine9643: ....I agree with Tauto on this one. This just slipped it in, in a budget bill.

Why should people from Russia care? Read up on Edward Snowden and his releases. Even if there government isn't asking our government for help in setting up surveillance systems in their country which in turn they give us some access to their networks. Things like these should be in check.
Don't tell tinye you love me:)
Nirth: This one is a good highlight:

The lawyers that came up with that should be given an Evil Genius award.
Maxvorstadt: No - They should hang!!!
If one were to glue a medal onto the noose, they could do both at the same time.