marky_svk: Ahh and also, if I bought Witcher 3, would there be all the patches/free dlc etc. just like the steam version? I know this sounds like im a huge steam fan but Im not and I just want to know
mechmouse: Yep you'll get patches as they come out, I don't know if the free DLC pack they did is still free. I'll quickly look
Free DLC is still free I'm pretty sure that those DLC are already included in the GOTY edition, though.
marky_svk: Nice, thanks. And I got one last final question about downloading the game. WIll it download through some kind of downloader where i can pause and unpause the download or what? :)
Goodaltgamer: Mechmouse has forgotten another way: the gogdownloader This is a pure downloader which allows also queuing and pause. Needs to be installed. And assuming Windows ;)
The way to get those files, library -> more -> gog downloader links and double clicking on the page with the links.
Those files need to be installed manually and they are your backup (your copy) as well.
Not really a recommended option for new users at this point, though, due to its unsupported-and-may-become-nonfunctional-at-any-time status. A browser extension such as
DownThemAll! is a safer recommendation at this point for someone who's not interested in a game client.