Posted April 05, 2016
P1na: Did you piss a no lifer off? How come your posts here are downrated?
Honestly, the whole downrepping thing has certainly brought the whole forum down. The bad feeling of seeing nice posts derepped, people complaining about it, and dereppers seeing it worked and thus keeping at it has put as all on a really sad negativity spiral. It's gotten to a point that I feel I must be doing something wrong because mine keeps growing.
Very important point. You can see the result of the work you did in seeing ''low rated'' on a post. I think GOG missed their internet psychology class with this one.Honestly, the whole downrepping thing has certainly brought the whole forum down. The bad feeling of seeing nice posts derepped, people complaining about it, and dereppers seeing it worked and thus keeping at it has put as all on a really sad negativity spiral. It's gotten to a point that I feel I must be doing something wrong because mine keeps growing.