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There are so many musical genres that I listen to I won't list them here. I've also gone through many stages of life where some music sounds better at certain times to me, but not so much these days.

One genre that I've been addicted to for the past couple of years is what is generally referred to as Epic. It may have "epic trailer music" attached to it, or "epic motivation", or "powerful", "inspiring", or "beautiful". A lot of the songs I relish over and over tend to be very loud. A lot of the music is very modern, but it mixes so much classic with new I cannot put it down.

I love listening to this while I just surf the web, write, study, cook, work, and drive. It really can fit any time, and it always delivers.

A lot of it is music that is often featured in music trailers, though many others can easily fit in a musical score during shows or films. It can pack a punch. Notable composers/orchestras include Marcus Warner, Ivan Torrent,Thomas Bergersen, Two Steps from Hell, Epic Score, Really Slow Motion, Jo Blankenburg, David Chappel, and Phil Lober, Audiomachine, among so many others. A lot of this music has really blown up in recent years. Two Steps from Hell for instance never used to have commercial albums, but thanks to YouTube and similar sites they now have a bunch.

If you already love t his music, good on you! If you're new to it, let this be a wake-up call to amazing sound.

I'll list off a number of songs below, with YouTube links:
My dude!
low rated
I don't have links to clips, but the ending music/scenes/credits to Prey(1999) is great, and the ending(where the characters are escaping the final area) of the first Xenosaga is heartfelt/awesome as well.
Try "The I of the Dragon" soundtrack. Great game (if you can get it working) and some tracks have a serious LotR vibe to it. Especially the combat ones (called "hard1, "hard2", "monsters" etc.).

But even the calmer songs are great.

Will add link later (don't want to do it on mobile :P).

As the topic got revived, I'll finally make good on my promise of actually linking the soundtrack :P

And as the game is on GOG now, the soundtrack is also easily accessible in the game files (not compressed behind proprietary formats and sold separately as is the norm these days....).

Install Folder/Data/Sounds/Ambience
Post edited February 06, 2022 by idbeholdME
The lack of some of the most obvious choices is disturbing:
Wonderful music! Thanks for sharing!

Here's couple I love:

-Vangelis - Conquest of paradise

-King Arthur - Sound of Britain

-Thomas Bergersen - Final Frontier

Enjoy the "real music". ;)
Is this epic?

Equilibrium - Mana

Or this?

Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars
Post edited May 01, 2019 by clarry
These 2 are my favorites at the moment, though it's hard to tell how much of the 'epic' comes from the associated moments in the anime (Danmachi). Both are from epic moments. The best epic themes/songs for me are attached to a scene in a movie/series.
Post edited May 01, 2019 by Pheace
MDK 2 full soundtrack
Nightwish - Sleeping Sun - Tarja Turunen <3
Always loved the Command & Conquer Generals music, but one of the China themes is especially epic. It's that build up and then the strings just smash, and you got that crunchy guitar riff for intensity.

I also like Prelude To War from Space Marine.
Then you'll love Immediate Music. I would personally recommend How To Control The Dream, Mercurial and Battle For The Soul Of The Universe.
low rated
Necro'd by a bot, shocker.
Thought this thread might actually be good game music, but instead it's normie 6 hour mixes, smh.
Swissy88: Necro'd by a bot, shocker.
Thought this thread might actually be good game music, but instead it's normie 6 hour mixes, smh.
Did you miss The I of the Dragon soundtrack recommendation above (post #4). That's definitely a hidden gem.