Posted July 04, 2016

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2016

For the singleplayer only goggers:
WTF are lootboxes? Lootboxes (or other name variants like lootcrates, lockboxes etc) are common in several MMOs these days. Opening them has the slim chance for something really awesome to drop but usually requires a key-like-item which, at least initially, can only be bought in the ingame-store which could be bought by some special game related virtual currency which is acquired by real currency. In most MMOs these Boxes are considered to be one of if not the biggest moneymakers and, IIRC, has been denied the "Gambling" nature by courts possibly because the several steps between real money & lootbox.

In the end I'm just curious if that leads to Chaos, Drama and Entertainment (reading about the Chaos that is :D ) on other unexpected sides or nothing at all. Especially how gaming studios react if all of the sudden they are not allowed to these boxes anymore; at least not in the profiteering ways they are now.

v o i d | flower
Gloomy User
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted July 04, 2016

Furthermore, there's no valid reason for gambling to be illegal among consenting adults. Lawmakers who outlaw it are in the moral wrong.

Oh, wait.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted July 04, 2016

So all Valve is guilty of is creating game items that are harder to get than others. It's pretty much the same concept CCG games use when you buy boosters which contain a random rarity of cards.

New User
Registered: Dec 2015
From Spain
Posted July 04, 2016

(I'm just keeping a lengthier part of my post for later, in case I'm really wrong about this.)

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

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Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted July 04, 2016

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted July 04, 2016
What a waste of time to nitpick at arguments. These scammers are using the Steam API just like they are using YouTube. The money in your Steam Wallet can be used only on Steam Store and you can't take your money out of your Steam money (at least not from Valve).

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted July 04, 2016

But yeah, I don't think illegality is established yet either since crates still haven't been ruled by any court to be gambling, but seeing as how these sites just aggregate the (expensive) items from the steam inventory and coin flip them, it probably will be regarded as it.

Youtubers need to be held to account more. The old ''paid IGN 10 /10'' jokes are getting old and everyone knows them. But now, youtube's underbelly is clearer than ever and we find more and more people being exposed as two faced racketeers every day. Keep in mind also that many youtubers still partner with G2A. Even pewdiepie.
Post edited July 04, 2016 by Shadowstalker16

Back from nowhere
Registered: Dec 2013
From Brazil
Posted July 04, 2016

Valve has definitely some blame on this. The CSGO skin trade system just needs regulation.
Oh and this rabbit hole keeps on giving. (You can read much more on the thread)

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted July 04, 2016
No more than I can trade a person for his items and pay him paypal for it, how does that make it Valve's fault beyond Valve allowing people to trade items?

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2016

(I'm just keeping a lengthier part of my post for later, in case I'm really wrong about this.)
The problem is that a big deal of ppl don't stop. Search the web, you'll find examples everywhere where ppl had their negative experience for either their own or worse the their family members lack of restraint. And since it is based on a game of chance it does has its pull on ppl.
Just 2.5; sometimes even cheaper when they sell it in bulk ;)

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted July 04, 2016
Polygon posted an article.

Back from nowhere
Registered: Dec 2013
From Brazil
Posted July 04, 2016

Valve has definitely some blame on this. The CSGO skin trade system just needs regulation.