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tfishell: Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if not that many people use the forum but I imagine basically every "regular" that bought it has refunded.
DoomSooth: I don't know what counts as a regular but it's at 2,937 overall and continues to go up.
I meant "regular" as in forum member who is relatively active here. I assume you're talking about its place on the "bestselling all-time" sorting option?

I assume refunds don't make the placement of the item on the "bestselling all-time" list go back down unfortunately.

But we can see how many people find reviews helpful if they vote - "873 of 921 users found (the top review) helpful"
Post edited September 25, 2021 by tfishell
low rated
Themken: Not going to buy a game I know beforehand that I will refund after an hour.
BanditKeith2: Yes but a person has to buy a game sometime to learn what a game is like so odds are several bought it before learning the truth I am one such person it popped up and I had assumed justifiable it had most of the drm stuff stripped out .. It had not by the time I found out I refunded of course
nope , just read reviews and wait a year after release, of course if you are not smart enough to learn from other people you just do buy it instantly
mrkgnao: What is this number you are quoting and from what source?
It's a script I use here. It shows where each title places in the catalog, among other things. That includes the ones coming "soon" but not any that have been removed, of course.

I didn't write it. One of the other users here did but I don't remember their name.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by DoomSooth
mrkgnao: What is this number you are quoting and from what source?
DoomSooth: It's a script I use here. It shows where each title places in the catalog, among other things. That includes the ones coming "soon" but not any that have been removed, of course.

I didn't write it. One of the other uses here did but I don't remember their name.
Thank you. I understand.
BanditKeith2: Yes but a person has to buy a game sometime to learn what a game is like so odds are several bought it before learning the truth I am one such person it popped up and I had assumed justifiable it had most of the drm stuff stripped out .. It had not by the time I found out I refunded of course
Orkhepaj: nope , just read reviews and wait a year after release, of course if you are not smart enough to learn from other people you just do buy it instantly
Again someone has to buy a game for others to learn what is up.. thats the thing as thats when the reviews and such come in anywhere and I rarely instantabuy any games anywhere even on G.O.G but I was far more likely to instabuy a game till this move with Hitman 2013 GOTY thing happened .. Again the was reason up till now had been you could trust the staff enough to not put heavly locked via always online server a sort of drm to a degree most of the game.. as before hand it was multiplayer or random small things ..

But ya my first comment you replied too was saying simply'' someone would need to buy something to review and say what its realy like'' and thats how game reviews and such happen from consumers .. Well its iether they buy it.. get it gifted or its gave away but the point still stands
low rated
tfishell: Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if not that many people use the forum but I imagine basically every "regular" that bought it has refunded.
Iirc, I heard from others that a small percentage(under 10%, and maybe even under 5%) use the forums.

Also: imo the best thing for people (who want change on this issue) to do is to stop buying the game.....buying and then refunding still leaves GOG/IO with sales numbers they can point to(they'd likely just ignore/hide the refund numbers when pointing out the sales to others).


BanditKeith2: Again someone has to buy a game for others to learn what is up..
People could also do one other thing: check the store page carefully before buying
(in this game's case the online connection requirement is listed there.....albeit in small print, but it is there)
Post edited September 25, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
I dread to think what kind of lives you all have that makes this is sooo important.
high rated
darthspudius: I dread to think what kind of lives you all have that makes this is sooo important.
Why are you even here? If our lives suck and that's why we're here, and your life is so great, why are you here?

I'm shocked that this managed to get past GOG's expert curation undetected -- especially after the CP2077 release. ;p
darthspudius: I dread to think what kind of lives you all have that makes this is sooo important.
Swissy88: Why are you even here? If our lives suck and that's why we're here, and your life is so great, why are you here?

Maybe some people find it outside their potential to be able to do or care for many things simultaneously. Who are we to judge other people's high horses, and/or inability to be versatile? All we can do is but give thanks to darthspudius, who managed to grace us with his presence amidst his James Bond-like schedule.
tfishell: Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if not that many people use the forum but I imagine basically every "regular" that bought it has refunded.
GamezRanker: Iirc, I heard from others that a small percentage(under 10%, and maybe even under 5%) use the forums.

Also: imo the best thing for people (who want change on this issue) to do is to stop buying the game.....buying and then refunding still leaves GOG/IO with sales numbers they can point to(they'd likely just ignore/hide the refund numbers when pointing out the sales to others).


BanditKeith2: Again someone has to buy a game for others to learn what is up..
GamezRanker: People could also do one other thing: check the store page carefully before buying
(in this game's case the online connection requirement is listed there.....albeit in small print, but it is there)
Eh no not really when they didn't say what all was at first as the meta-progression and unlocks tied to online only connection/server atleast wasn't at the start as either that was added after the fuss made or you are missing thats what people at least most of em are bothered by in this games release case..They mentioned everything else though that was tied to online though
Post edited September 25, 2021 by BanditKeith2
I'm trying to refund this game but I keep getting sent to a grey screen where it asks me 'How would you like to receive your refund?' with no options underneath, then after about a minute it kicks me back to my orders page.
Although I can't prove it (as the thought never occurred to me, that I should take a screenshot of the page or save it somehow), I happened to check the store very early after Hitman was released, within a few minutes. At the time, it did not have any disclaimer about online-only contents on the store page at all.

I believe it was added within half an hour or so (around when the staff member posted the same information in the news thread), but having carefully read over the store page multiple times for any tricks or catches, I purchased the game believing that it would indeed be DRM-free, like the sidebar text says.
Post edited September 25, 2021 by emme
I got this, hitman 2 and several other stealth games in a bundle for 12.00 on steam. Great games worth playing, for cheaper, on a better store. No reason to do it on GOG though. Even if you are fine with DRM on GOG's store, you are a fool to spend more here for a lesser product. Might as well go to egs where the 3rd game is available if you really don't care. What kind of smoothbrain buys Hitman here?
Post edited September 25, 2021 by FallenHeroX1
Doc0075: I'm trying to refund this game but I keep getting sent to a grey screen where it asks me 'How would you like to receive your refund?' with no options underneath, then after about a minute it kicks me back to my orders page.
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