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The book.

Dexterity or Strength?
Dexterity, because unlike strength, it usually raises and affects more than 2-3 stats at the same time...

Going out with Snowkatt or going out with Salar Shushan?
Snowkatt no contest.

10 grand right now or.....

10 million bucks? BUT you are followed by an invincible mosquito for the rest of your life and if he bites you....

You die
ScotchMonkey: Snowkatt no contest.

10 grand right now or.....

10 million bucks? BUT you are followed by an invincible mosquito for the rest of your life and if he bites you....

You die
10 grand right now.

Princess Maker 2 or Bubsy 3D?
Warning. Warning. My talk of the devil. LOOK ABOVE! The question to choose, that i asked two days ago!!! It was a prophecy! Half the country is burning! For REAL!!! Where to hide, where can i hide, hide me, please!!!

Back on topic again, Bubsy 3D it is!

1) Scratches Director's Cut

to return on GOG, OR

2) Blade of Darkness

to return on GOG?
Post edited July 17, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

And maybe Fallout as well for the poor bastards who didn't snag it at the time.

A ticket to which event?

A - Seeing Randy Pitchford forced to eat his lies (feces) ?


B - Uwe Boll forced to watch Troll 2 on loop whilst tied to a chair Clockwork Orange style ?
B Troll 2!

Command and Conquer series on GOG


Warcraft series on GOG?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: B Troll 2!

Command and Conquer series on GOG


Warcraft series on GOG?
Command and Conquer. (Are you going to continue posting this type of question over and over?)

What's your favourite colour?

Yellow or Blue?
Yellow, symbol of the earth, the middle ground between the 4 legendary beasts.

Red or Black color?

Automobile or Bicycle?

Rosetta+Philae, or New Horizons ?
New horizons.

Garrett (master thief) or Geralt (master witcher)?

SNES Controller or Genesis Controller?
SNES controller

New Age, Folk, or Techno music?
Folk classical music, because new music may sucks while classical music that stood the test of time can less likely to suck.

Do little work right now and earn enough to survive through a shoe string budget so you can have more time to play games


Work like mad so you can save more but have little times for games, but you can retire early and will have all the time in the world for games by then.