Posted June 15, 2015

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015
Well, don`t know what mid is, but I like to be feed. So, feed!!!
Perry Rhodan or Atlan?
Perry Rhodan or Atlan?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015
Ras Tschubai forever!!!!!
Kantiran or Roi Danton?
Kantiran or Roi Danton?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015

I'd go with Schreckwurm although I remember you wrote Okrills would be your favourite pet animal/species.
Psycho-ray or desintegrator?
Cell-shower or cell-activator?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015

Cell-shower or cell-activator?

I don't want to say pretty pretty please every 60 years and like to have spontaneous regeneration. Is there even a single advantage that the cell-shower has over a cell-activator?
Indoctrination for everyone or a few mutants/ super-humans?
Nadine Angerer or Manuel Neuer?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015

Leberkaas or Semmeln?
Because it`s a big discussion now:
Artificial lawn or natural lawn?
P.S.: You don`t know the goalkeepers of the german national teams?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015

Leberkaas or Semmeln?

Because it`s a big discussion now:
Artificial lawn or natural lawn?
P.S.: You don`t know the goalkeepers of the german national teams?
For football stadiums etc. I'd say artificial lawn but since they are not the only places where you would find lawn I choose natural lawn, of course.
Kchuchikchäschtli or Oachkoatzerlschwoaf?

I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted June 15, 2015
Well, the Chuchichästli seems to be more usefull, although an Oachkatzlschwaof looks better.
Sheepcheese or goatcheese?
Sheepcheese or goatcheese?

Registered: May 2011
From Germany