Posted November 22, 2023
Code has been claimed.
I cussed this game no end as the spike in difficulty was hitting me like a hammer. However, once I learned how to play it, it not only isn't too hard, it's actually what I would call pretty easy. The key, for me, was realizing that it simply can't be played like Gothic 1 or Gothic 2 classic. You must decide, before you start, to forgo some of the game's options and concentrate only on those other areas. There simply is not enough learning points to experience all of the Stealth, Will-o-the-Wisp, hunting, forging, and alchemy options. And, you can't plan on getting good (or gitten gud I guess) at each of the combat options either. Pick 1 handed or 2 handed, forget trying both. Same with bow and crossbow.
If you accept these limitations, and focus like a laser on those areas you're going to experience with this particular play through, it's a very doable game. And it may be that I found the easiest options of all, as I am blown away by how easy this turned out to be. Chapter 1 was somewhat challenging, but it started getting pretty easy even before that even ended. From there on, I can't believe I'm typing this after cussing it so badly before, the game is easy. Now again, maybe that's because I happened to pick the easiest way, so at some point in the future I will try again with a different approach and see how that goes.
So, having been so wrong, I felt it necessary to give THQ Nordic another penny or two, so I bought the game again, and it's here for someone who wants it. No contest here; if you're interested just type the following words exactly in your post and I will send you chat message with the code. NOTE: Note the term EXACT. It will go to the first person who types the exact words below.
Code has been claimed
"Hey OldFatGuy, I would love a code for Gothic 2 Gold."
And I had some telephone help recently and the guy was having a hard time understanding my set up by my description so I had my health aid take a picture for him. So, at the risk of breaking the internets, I'm gonna post it just in case anyone ever wanted to know what an OldFatGuy who is mostly bed bound looks like. WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised. Once seen, it can't be unseen. Lingering nightmares are a risk. Use caution.
ADDED: Link to store page.
I cussed this game no end as the spike in difficulty was hitting me like a hammer. However, once I learned how to play it, it not only isn't too hard, it's actually what I would call pretty easy. The key, for me, was realizing that it simply can't be played like Gothic 1 or Gothic 2 classic. You must decide, before you start, to forgo some of the game's options and concentrate only on those other areas. There simply is not enough learning points to experience all of the Stealth, Will-o-the-Wisp, hunting, forging, and alchemy options. And, you can't plan on getting good (or gitten gud I guess) at each of the combat options either. Pick 1 handed or 2 handed, forget trying both. Same with bow and crossbow.
If you accept these limitations, and focus like a laser on those areas you're going to experience with this particular play through, it's a very doable game. And it may be that I found the easiest options of all, as I am blown away by how easy this turned out to be. Chapter 1 was somewhat challenging, but it started getting pretty easy even before that even ended. From there on, I can't believe I'm typing this after cussing it so badly before, the game is easy. Now again, maybe that's because I happened to pick the easiest way, so at some point in the future I will try again with a different approach and see how that goes.
So, having been so wrong, I felt it necessary to give THQ Nordic another penny or two, so I bought the game again, and it's here for someone who wants it. No contest here; if you're interested just type the following words exactly in your post and I will send you chat message with the code. NOTE: Note the term EXACT. It will go to the first person who types the exact words below.
Code has been claimed
"Hey OldFatGuy, I would love a code for Gothic 2 Gold."
And I had some telephone help recently and the guy was having a hard time understanding my set up by my description so I had my health aid take a picture for him. So, at the risk of breaking the internets, I'm gonna post it just in case anyone ever wanted to know what an OldFatGuy who is mostly bed bound looks like. WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised. Once seen, it can't be unseen. Lingering nightmares are a risk. Use caution.
ADDED: Link to store page.
Post edited November 22, 2023 by OldFatGuy