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low rated
I know plenty where you shoot Nazis, but for some reason at least equally bad Soviets seem exempt.
FPS is totally not my genre, I haven't played anything since Doom and Quarantine, so I can't recollect a single title. My PC isn't a gaming machine, so this would have to be older titles.
low rated
I'm sure there are war games where you can play against Russians. For example:
Strategic Command's Assault on Communism.
OOB: Panzerkrieg
Panzer Corps Gold (Probably)
Panzer Corps 2 - 1942
Plus probably other games with "Panzer" in the title (Panzer General 2? I don't know/remember).
Of course in the ww2 ones, you'll be playing as the Nazis. Plus I guess you're not so much killing Russians as you are destroying Russian equipment.
Post edited February 25, 2022 by darktjm
low rated
Ah how the racists emerged as soon as they can hate on others.
Pls ban polysquirrel!
low rated
80 years late bud.
I'd rather shoot tyrants. Assassinations of "beloved" politicians are more fun than wars - even in videogames!
low rated
Orkhepaj: Ah how the racists emerged as soon as they can hate on others.
Pls ban polysquirrel!
russian race? take your pills
high rated
When your country France invaded Libya, did you feel like shooting French people ?

When America invaded Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, did you feel like shooting Americans ?

Your selective outrage is cringey.
low rated
Hate speech.
low rated
bad man
high rated
Not funny. :|

People really shouldn't joke about real life lives with this imho...
Better idea: How about a way to support games by Ukrainians? Anybody got a list? (I realize that this is not as good as giving cash to the various collections trying to directly help)
low rated
A coward way -OR- an innocent coincidence polysquirrel? Can you make it clear?
low rated
This is probably the most racist thread title that I've ever seen on this board.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: This is probably the most racist thread title that I've ever seen on this board.
its not racist. its xenophobic and / or bigoted.
considering how many racist comments you have made over the years I'm surprised you dont know the difference.
low rated
Orkhepaj: Ah how the racists emerged as soon as they can hate on others.
Pls ban polysquirrel!
To be fair could just be a oddly time by change thing given news lately as honestly speaking here I can't deny I wouldn't mind knowing what other races a game has for enemys as it can get quite boring for specific races or a for lack of a better term ''faction'' of the race and/or nationality is used as the enemy .. Granted this thread seems likely bait or trolling given the timing of it

But anyway I am interested in this thread now.. purelly on it might yeild a new enemy in games that as far as I can think of never was as remotely a 'safe '' choice in gaming as a enemy.. but outside of that I really don't care what the enemies are in game persay ..
Post edited February 26, 2022 by BanditKeith2