dnovraD: Getcha yaself some Vitamin D, maybe magnesium, and potassium.
Might getting back into multivitamins for my health. Couldn't hurting anyways.
THESLITHERYDEE: I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like that. Personally, I find choosing a topic and doing a deep into finding all I can find out about it helps reset my brain.
I watching inforgraphics on youtube and other documentaries as wel sometimes. Maybe i'll watching some tonight.
ReynardFox: My primary suggestion, as long as the weather permits, just go for a walk, get some fresh air. You'd be surprised how good that can be for your mental health.
Yes I be needing a walk. Spending too much time inside when not working.
Shmacky-McNuts: Boredom is the best and most expensive thing you can have. Think about it. Unless you are in prison or similar, being bored is nice. You could be homeless. You could be living with abusers. You could have a host of stuff going wrong.
You cant control the assholes around you either. People will always get up to wrong doing.
You are right it could always being worse. Better to keep looking for what's good about life!
jonridan: That happened to me around my 25th birthday. I called it the "young age crisis". Basically everything and everyone bothered me, and life was kind of "meh", with no real purpose or direction. Don't get me wrong, I had a good comfy job, I lived on my own (still do) but somehow my free time was "being wasted" or at leas that's what I was thinking, and therefore everytime something made me lose even seconds in my life (like people taking longer to pay at the supermarket) would irritate me. Eventually I learned that I can't control what happens around me, but I can control how I react to it.
I get frustrated at the red lights and such things so this might be it. Of course I also be ok with waiting in long lines sometimes as it gives me time to think at the stores. Weird is it not? Still what you are saying rings true.
jonridan: I recently got into boardgaming, I started reading gamebooks (turns out Choose Your Own Adventure books are not the only ones in existence haha), and I'm listening to more music...
CYOA books are being very nice to read. Would like if they made more gritty serious ones for older age groups.