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and another few unpleasant movies

salo the 120 days of sodom

it will make you want to scrub you skin from the inside

speaking of from inside

inside is a rather nasty piece work

not really a movie but the series riget by lars von trier is rather unsetteling creepy and bizarre as well

and to get back to lars von trier his anti crhist is ...uh unusual with several crineg woprthy scenes

gaspar noe's irreversible will make you twitch as well

takashi miike's auditon might be worth a look as wel

dumplings and the rest from three extremes

the cook the thief his wife and her lover is not really horror but unsual to say the least

the last temptation of christ and jacobs ladder certainly deserve to be watched as well

the baby of macon is also quite disturbing

in the realm of the senses will leave you queezy as well

and the aklwasy cheerfull mciheal haneke movies should be up there as well

Lemon_Curry: I highly recommend Kiyoshi Kurosawa's unique masterpieces of cerebral horror Cure & Kairo.

A few other Asian horror films I highly recommend watching:
A Tale of Two Sisters (Janghwa, Hongryeon)
Three (Saam gaang - released internationally as Three Extremes 2 although it's actually the first of the two anthology films). I really like the first segment called Memories but the second one The Wheel is utterly terrible and boring while the third Peter Chan's breathtaking Going Home is an absolute must-see.
Dorm (Dek hor)

Then there's...:
Don't Look Now
The Exorcist III
The Kingdom (Riget)
The Vanishing (Spoorloos)

Although I've left out any of the films you've seen as well as those others have already mentioned I simply must second the recommendation of Tomas Alfredson's sublime Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in).
you magnificent bastard !
i just recommended riget !

even if it ends on a damn cliffhanger

still a bit bemused that nobody but me brought up haneke's funny games
Post edited September 10, 2014 by snowkatt
I'm not going to recommend the classics since I assume most people have seen them already. There is also no reason to further recommend the more well known recent movies like Mama, The Conjuring, The Cabin in the Woods or 1408 since they have already been mentioned.

So I'll go with some good (well, at least I liked them) but lesser known (because except for the first one none of them are Hollywood) movies:

Blood Glacier
Hmmm. i'm tempted to make a short film of tearing up page after page of old phone books...

It would be... Tearrifying! :P
rtcvb32: Hmmm. i'm tempted to make a short film of tearing up page after page of old phone books...

It would be... Tearrifying! :P
"comedy drumroll"

Witness the horror of myriad phone numbers torn to shredded digits!
Now that Geralt_of_Rivia mentioned Orphan, I remembered that El orfanato (The Orphanage) and Los ojos de Julia (Julia's Eyes) are worth at least one watch.
How about "In the mouth of madness"? I found that quite scary when I saw it in the cinema years ago.
Lifthrasil: How about "In the mouth of madness"? I found that quite scary when I saw it in the cinema years ago.
I'm quite sure he has seen it:
Telika: I also postpone my 10876th rewatch of "the thing", just to catch up with my rewatches of the other Carpenter movies (I have a soft spot for that guy).
like others said: the descent! Nothing clever and mostly jumpscares but they are very effective. It really scared me in the movie theater.

Many have said "the conjuring". While it's good enough I prefer Insidious 1 and 2. These are nicely connected and quite clever and scary without overly depending on jumpscares. I really believe that james wan is the only director in hollywood at the moment that knows how to make a horror movie
Telika: Unrealistic horror supernatural efficient thingy. ...

... Is there anything recent, that might function on me ? I became a bit jaded. And gore itself (the "ewww" factor) tends to bore me.
SpellSword: In that case perhaps this film would be of interest to you: (Especially since you're less interested in gory films.)


It's a movie staring John Cusack, and I think he does a pretty good job in it.

The plot in a nutshell is about a hotel room... an evil hotel room... ,,,',,',,,

In my opinion, it's a good movie so I don't want to say anything and spoil it. ^_^

Be aware that Wikipedia mentions that the Blu-ray release & two-disc collector's edition have an alternate ending... (Which I would recommend avoiding in favor of the single disc DVD version.)
Seconded 1408 because you said you liked the shining. Both are written by Stephen King and have the same vibe. I Always considered 1408 the short story version of the shining...
Post edited September 10, 2014 by xxxIndyxxx
Potzato: 'The malediction' is for you. Clean horror.
You mean "the omen" ? Or a movie which title is actually "the malediction" in english ?

"The omen" is brilliant (and its sequels are amusing), though I haven't seen the remake. That film was my first though when I learnt the death of Jerry Goldsmith.

Apart from that :

"1408" made me laugh. It starts well, but then it become Stephen-King-when-nobody-keeps-him-in-check. That is, going A TAD overboard.

I have seen "Riget" a couple of times, and my gf is a von Trier fan, so no way I escaped "Antichrist".

I am oddly not sure I've seen "the Exorcist III". I don't remember any Exorcist without Blair. I might have to check on that.

"Kairo" and the "Three extremes" films were on my list to watch. I'll add "Home", "Dorm" and "A tale of two sisters". If by "Vampyr" you mean the Dreyer one, I can't say it had absolutely terrified me.

The "Orphan" plot reminds me too much of "Murderer", which is also one of these films that made me laugh at the wrong places. It's a delicate theme, or twist, to handle. "Phone" did it well, in its own way, but I don't think I can take it seriously enough from a 'materialist' movie... I might check "Sennetuntschi" and "Blood Glacier", though.

I'll also check "Shadow of the vampire", but this one, with "Let the right one in", will be the LAST vampire movie I'll see. I really OD-ed on these.

Okay, I feel forced to watch the "Fright Night" remake at some point, just to see the Doctor posing as Peter Vincent, but this is completely off topic here, as I expect it to be as scary as a buffy episode...
snowkatt: you magnificent bastard !
i just recommended riget !

even if it ends on a damn cliffhanger
Thanks for the compliment! :)

Yes it's terribly sad and unfortunate that Kirsten Rolffes died before the production of the third and final part was to take place. I really hope that Trier eventually decides to publish the script.


Oh, and I just noticed that Telika had in fact already mentioned Don't Look Now.
Lemon_Curry: I really hope that Trier eventually decides to publish the script.
Thing is, I'm not even certain there is one. I do love that series, but didn't strike me as a totally thouroughly cunningly-planned-from-the-beginning-to-the-very-conclusion sort of plot.

I suspect he would have to quickly invent an ending, in order to sattisfy us.
Post edited September 10, 2014 by Telika
snowkatt: you magnificent bastard !
i just recommended riget !

even if it ends on a damn cliffhanger
Lemon_Curry: Thanks for the compliment! :)

Yes it's terribly sad and unfortunate that Kirsten Rolffes died before the production of the third and final part was to take place. I really hope that Trier eventually decides to publish the script.


Oh, and I just noticed that Telika had in fact already mentioned Don't Look Now.
or thathe has a change of heart and will push forward with riget 3 if only to finish the story

but von trier is uncompromising n his fishion so that will never happen

and shadow of the vampire isnt really a horror movie or a vampire movie
it operates on the idea of what if von shreck was an actual vampire during the filming of nosferatu ?
Telika: I have seen "Riget" a couple of times, and my gf is a von Trier fan, so no way I escaped "Antichrist".
Cool, then I recommend that you watch Epidemic (which in many ways is an early precursor to Riget) - it's an extremely underrated film and one of my personal von Trier favourites.

Telika: I am oddly not sure I've seen "the Exorcist III". I don't remember any Exorcist without Blair. I might have to check on that.
George C. Scott has the leading role. That's all you need to know. ;)

Telika: If by "Vampyr" you mean the Dreyer one, I can't say it had absolutely terrified me.
Yep that's the one I'm talking about.
if only they stuck to their guns with halloween 3
Telika: Good, bad, doesn't matter. Cheap tricks or clever tricks, I don't care.

Unrealistic horror supernatural efficient thingy. Like, uh, hmm...

What worked on me ? Okay, "The Shining" worked. "The exocist" works. "The grudge" did too, I admit, and so did "the ring". And "Darkness" and "Rec". Long ago, "Evil Dead" and "Prince of Darkness" terrified me, but nowadays I'm not sure.

Oh yeah "the changeling" and "communion" had also petrified me, somehow.

Is there anything recent, that might function on me ? I became a bit jaded. And gore itself (the "ewww" factor) tends to bore me.

But I need something to keep my attention away from reality for a while, and scary movies do it the most economic way.
So you haven´t watched "The Thing" (1982) or "The Fog" (1980) ooooohh!.....

By the way, I love horror movies but never got interested in the ones that called themselves "horror" movies but were just gore like Jason movies, I watched some of them yes, but at the time I was most afraid of how the next person was going to be chopped than feeling afraid of the unknown.....
...though with real horror movies I was afraid of what unexpected thing was going to happen next and these movies delivered, plus I like movies like "And then there were none" so "The Thing" kinda fulfills both ranks. "The Fog" must have been the union of three things I "like", "zombies" and "pirates" and "horror".