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stg83: Just recently I watched a horror movie that was really well executed called <span class="bold">The Conjuring</span>. I don't get scared as much as I used to but this movie did unsettle me for one night atleast, so I highly recommend that you watch it alone if you wish to be terrified. :)
I can second this recommendation. The movie is both very intense and subtle.
Telika: Good, bad, doesn't matter. Cheap tricks or clever tricks, I don't care.

Unrealistic horror supernatural efficient thingy. Like, uh, hmm...

What worked on me ? Okay, "The Shining" worked. "The exocist" works. "The grudge" did too, I admit, and so did "the ring". And "Darkness" and "Rec". Long ago, "Evil Dead" and "Prince of Darkness" terrified me, but nowadays I'm not sure.

Oh yeah "the changeling" and "communion" had also petrified me, somehow.

Is there anything recent, that might function on me ? I became a bit jaded. And gore itself (the "ewww" factor) tends to bore me.

But I need something to keep my attention away from reality for a while, and scary movies do it the most economic way.
Catacombs or The Descent
KoreaBeat: I watched "Sinister" in an empty house at midnight. I went to sleep with my bedroom door locked and the closet shut tight.
Another recommendation for Sinister from me. My wife and I watched it late at night, and we had to watch two episodes of The Big Bang Theory afterwards, just to get it out of our system, before we dared go to bed.
kinda surprised nobody mentioned rosemary's baby or jaws yet
or is it because they arent that scary any more ?

the excorcist definitley still is disturbing
stg83: Just recently I watched a horror movie that was really well executed called <span class="bold">The Conjuring</span>. I don't get scared as much as I used to but this movie did unsettle me for one night atleast, so I highly recommend that you watch it alone if you wish to be terrified. :)
Yes, The Conjuring is absolutely fantastic. I highly recommend it. It is awesome in every way.
trentonlf: You stole my movie suggestion!! The conjuring is one of the better "horror" movies to come out recently. For funny horror I suggest "Cabin in the woods", it's a really good movie ;-)
Hehe...yeah, it seems apart from the Last Airbender our tastes in movie do align quite well. :P

I would also recommend another movie Mama if you haven't seen it yet, also really well done and the story is quite good for this genre. Here is the original short on which the feature length movie is based.

MAMA the original short film
snowkatt: the excorcist definitley still is disturbing
Hmm, it might be, I wouldn't know. What I do know is that if someone does plan to watch The Exorcist, I recommend that they stay far away from the Director's Cut. It's the only version I've seen, and I turned it off after 45 minutes because it was boring as hell. I've heard people who have seen both versions say the same thing, stay away from the Director's Cut.
trentonlf: You stole my movie suggestion!! The conjuring is one of the better "horror" movies to come out recently. For funny horror I suggest "Cabin in the woods", it's a really good movie ;-)
stg83: Hehe...yeah, it seems apart from the Last Airbender our tastes in movie do align quite well. :P

I would also recommend another movie Mama if you haven't seen it yet, also really well done and the story is quite good for this genre. Here is the original short on which the feature length movie is based.

MAMA the original short film
Mama was a good movie until the end. No spoilers, but the endong killed the movie for me.
stg83: I would also recommend another movie Mama if you haven't seen it yet, also really well done and the story is quite good for this genre.
Yeah, Mama was pretty good.
Oh, you know what movie I thought was scary and many people didn't like? Signs. I liked it b/c it was the whole "bump in the dark" scary, not "chased by monsters/psychos" scary.
Trajhenkhetlive: Catacombs or The Descent
I like The Descent a lot, though it suffers in home viewing - in a movie theater, with proper volume, it's intense and scary.

Catacombs is a movie I enjoyed fairly well, although it's silly. I appreciated it in part for exactly what turned a lot of people off - there's a weird stretch in the middle which is, pretty much, just black, because in fact it would have been, well, just black. There's relatively little of that "lit in red meaning dark" or "lit in blue meaning dark" stuff.

Also: Catacombs features Pink, and stars Shannyn Sossamon.

Try to avoid The Cavern, which is not only terrible but also incoherent and mean-spirited, and The Cave, which is OK I guess but rather bland. There were a lot of spelunky movies around then.
Post edited September 10, 2014 by LinustheBold
trentonlf: Mama was a good movie until the end. No spoilers, but the endong killed the movie for me.
I thought it was a brave choice, very divisive but it did make sense to me. I also totally understand though if it ruined the experience for some folks as well.
trentonlf: Mama was a good movie until the end. No spoilers, but the endong killed the movie for me.
Sadly, I've experienced that a lot lately with horror movies. One particular type I've come across far too many times lately goes like this: "We've made a horror movie which tries to make it appear as if it has been put together from real-life footage, but we can't come up with a good ending. Solution? Kill the camera man. End of movie."

That really is the worst kind of cop-out, and it tends to kill any horror movie stone dead for me.
trentonlf: Mama was a good movie until the end. No spoilers, but the endong killed the movie for me.
stg83: I thought it was a brave choice, very divisive but it did make sense to me. I also totally understand though if it ruined the experience for some folks as well.
I ubderstand why the ending had to be like it was, just didn't like it ;-)
Older but i like them:
I spit on your grave
The hills have eyes