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Kangaroo Jack
u2jedi: Apparition

Just watched it last night. Starts up right away and really doesn't let up from then on. Shot in North Las Vegas by the looks of it.
Which one ? The 2012 one with the 4.1 score and the angry reviews on imdb ?

jadeblackhawk: The movie Gravity... just the though of being in space is terrifying, let alone trapped out there. I was on the edge the whole movie.
Being trapped alone with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney for two whole hours sounds traumatizing enough.

Anyway, I made myself a list of movies, so, thanks to all the contributors to that thread so far. I've let aside the pure torture porn and slasher plots, as it's a genre that tires me a bit, and of course the films I've already seen. And I have all these films ahead :

"Kairo", "Sauna", "Sennentuntschi", "The Possession", "The Possession of Michael King in particular", "The New Daughter", "Deadgirl", "Dead souls", "Oculus", "The devil inside", "The quiet ones", "Ils", "Three extremes 1&2", "The conjuring", "Sinister", "The fourth kind", "Atrocious", "A tale of two sisters", "Reincarnation" and "The pact". Probably starting with "Kairo". I also hope to find a way to check "Silk" some time, but this seems to be difficult...

To think that this year I didn't even step at the NIFFF because I wasn't in the mood for genre movies... :-/
Post edited September 11, 2014 by Telika
Cannibal Holocaust with true animals killed in the film !
snowkatt: and another few unpleasant movies
salo the 120 days of sodom
it will make you want to scrub you skin from the inside
plex0m4n: Listen to the man, he knows what he's talking about. On top of Salo, I can only think of Visitor Q, A Serbian Film and The Life and Death of a Porno Gang
i hesitate to mention melacholie der engel but since nobody else did

its 165 minutes of uncomfortable bizarre horror that will make your skin crawl

there is no story no rhyme nor reason to it
just 165 minutes fo awfull people doing awfull things its nhillistic and awfull and horrific
u2jedi: Apparition

Just watched it last night. Starts up right away and really doesn't let up from then on. Shot in North Las Vegas by the looks of it.
Telika: Which one ? The 2012 one with the 4.1 score and the angry reviews on imdb ?
I don't read IMDB reviews. The one I saw last night was shot in North Las Vegas. It was effective. You just knew that attempting to fix the problem only made it worse. I could almost see Sam and Dean Winchester getting involved with this one.
Post edited September 11, 2014 by u2jedi
Telika: Which one ? The 2012 one with the 4.1 score and the angry reviews on imdb ?
u2jedi: I don't read IMDB reviews. The one I saw last night was shot in North Las Vegas. It was effective. You just knew that attempting to fix the problem only made it worse. I could almost see Sam and Dean Winchester getting involved with this one.
Just trying to make sure of which one you mean, cause there is a bunch of movies with that title (or slight variations : "the apparition", "apparitions", etc).
Telika: Which one ? The 2012 one with the 4.1 score and the angry reviews on imdb ?
u2jedi: I don't read IMDB reviews. The one I saw last night was shot in North Las Vegas. It was effective. You just knew that attempting to fix the problem only made it worse. I could almost see Sam and Dean Winchester getting involved with this one.
A Supernatural fan!! Best show on tv IMO
I don't really get why people think The Conjuring is so scary... to me it is a fairly ordinary haunted-house/exorcism movie. Are there scary moments... yes definitely. But for me, the story feels like just a series of incidents and doesn't quite build up in a satisfying way.

Also, I had just read the original book of The Amityville Horror, to which it is basically identical.
KoreaBeat: I don't really get why people think The Conjuring is so scary... to me it is a fairly ordinary haunted-house/exorcism movie. Are there scary moments... yes definitely. But for me, the story feels like just a series of incidents and doesn't quite build up in a satisfying way.

Also, I had just read the original book of The Amityville Horror, to which it is basically identical.
I have seen the conjuring 3 times now, and the best one was the first. Watched it with my daughter the first time in the theater surrounded by a bunch of teenagers screaming. Me and my daughter were more entertained by the audience at times ;)
I also think the atmosphere in the theater (dark and lots of scared people) made the movie more memorable too. Next two times I saw it was on a tv, and it was for sure not as intense. Still a really good movie though :)
Arachnophobia might just be different enough, especially if you invite a bunch of friends over & watch it in the dark. Seriously, I saw that movie in a theater packed with teenagers & young adults when it came out (1990 or 1991), and while it wasn't your traditional horror was enough to give everyone the worst case of the heebie-jeebies you can imagine.
KoreaBeat: I don't really get why people think The Conjuring is so scary... to me it is a fairly ordinary haunted-house/exorcism movie. Are there scary moments... yes definitely. But for me, the story feels like just a series of incidents and doesn't quite build up in a satisfying way.

Also, I had just read the original book of The Amityville Horror, to which it is basically identical.
trentonlf: I have seen the conjuring 3 times now, and the best one was the first. Watched it with my daughter the first time in the theater surrounded by a bunch of teenagers screaming. Me and my daughter were more entertained by the audience at times ;)
I also think the atmosphere in the theater (dark and lots of scared people) made the movie more memorable too. Next two times I saw it was on a tv, and it was for sure not as intense. Still a really good movie though :)
Most movies are better in the theater, yeah. I'm very glad I saw The Ring and The Others in dark theaters full of silent people.
KoreaBeat: I don't really get why people think The Conjuring is so scary... to me it is a fairly ordinary haunted-house/exorcism movie. Are there scary moments... yes definitely. But for me, the story feels like just a series of incidents and doesn't quite build up in a satisfying way.

Also, I had just read the original book of The Amityville Horror, to which it is basically identical.
But these horror movies are almost always very formulaic. Very codified. And thus very predictible, both in terms of general plots, and in tems of effects. At best, they surprise us by subverting some of these codified expectations ("Darkness" works well if you expect "Shining", "The pact" has a suspense mostly based on anticipation and toys a lot with not requiring anything to actually happen, "The ring" has a last twist that functions by turning around the usual role of the ghost), but still the general structures stay the same, and the clichés underlie it all. They are not creative movies, and occasional inversions don't suffice to make them so. Nor does the self-satisfaction of the amateur film maker so proud of his effect ("look at my zombie head ! what story ? i mean, i'm the first one filming a drill through a nail in subjective view, aren't i groundbreaking").

You can escape it for some time by jumping into other national cinemas, with refreshingly different styles, whether as a spectator exploring foreign movies or as a producer hunting for remakes material, hence the asian or spanish trends, but these also have their own codes that end up running dry after a while ("yes, japan: hair. we got it"). When you step in this filming universe, even more than any other, you know you're not after originality. At least not after having seen a couple of movies...
"Repulsion", which isn't recent by any means, but all the more terrifying.

Even George Romero agrees with me: "Many wouldn't place Repulsion in this category, but I do. Is Jaws a horror film? Is The Silence of the Lambs? Yes. And they've elevated the genre. But hey, man, we're talkin' Roman here! You want scary. Take it from a scary guy. Go watch Repulsion."

There's also "The Tenant", which interestingly enough is Bruce Campbell's favourite scary film.
Post edited September 12, 2014 by fronzelneekburm
snowkatt: i hesitate to mention melacholie der engel but since nobody else did
its 165 minutes of uncomfortable bizarre horror that will make your skin crawl....
I heard about it and judging by your tone it's a special recommendation, thx :D
fronzelneekburm: "Repulsion", which isn't recent by any means, but all the more terrifying.
Surely, he has seen it - more than once. ;)

Telika: And yeah, I think I've seen most classics. The Polanski ones of course (one of my two or three favorite filmmakers) including "The Tenant", which scares me (even) more than "Rosemary's baby".
fronzelneekburm: ... "The Tenant", which interestingly enough is Bruce Campbell's favourite scary film.
Cool, I didn't know that.

You've probably seen it but just in case I highly recommend Adrian Lyne's excellent Jacob's Ladder.
Post edited September 13, 2014 by Lemon_Curry