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Post edited September 11, 2014 by tinyE
Master911: Brainscan not exactly terrifying but it was good when i saw it
Brainscan is one of my personal favorites. It's getting dated but it's a great blend of eerie and campy. Really worth seeing but not for everyone.
capile2: I'm not sure someone brought up this one before (after just 5 pages, I can't remember anymore...) but I think the remake of Evil Dead is very good.
I like very much the original but let's tell the truth, it was horror+comedy.
The remake? Not so much. It makes the original look like My Little Pony.
The first Evil Dead movie was definitely not a comedy. The second one was more a remake of the first where they tried to add humor than a sequel. Didn't work out very well, IMHO. The third one was pure horror-comedy gold though. :-)
snowkatt: and another few unpleasant movies
salo the 120 days of sodom
it will make you want to scrub you skin from the inside
Listen to the man, he knows what he's talking about. On top of Salo, I can only think of Visitor Q, A Serbian Film and The Life and Death of a Porno Gang
Pick any 2014 movie. They're terrifying how bad they are.
OlivawR: Pick any 2014 movie. They're terrifying how bad they are.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a great movie as was Guardians of the Galaxy ;)
Geralt_of_Rivia: The first Evil Dead movie was definitely not a comedy. The second one was more a remake of the first where they tried to add humor than a sequel. Didn't work out very well, IMHO. The third one was pure horror-comedy gold though. :-)
Yeah, I know I shouldn't say there are comedy on the first one... but I can't stop.
Besides the errors (which are ok) I don't know how would Ash be the lone survivor in that movie. It's like an anti-Darwin thing. Survival of the unfittest. Anyway I like it a lot.
OlivawR: Pick any 2014 movie. They're terrifying how bad they are.
trentonlf: Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a great movie as was Guardians of the Galaxy ;)
Rise was 2011. And it was so stupid I turned it off after about 10 minutes.

Guardians are ok... if You've never seen any other sci-fi/adventure movie in your life. And even than they are way too silly and paper thin on the characters to be honest.

Yeah, I'm not in the "all movies suck nowadays", but 2014 was weak. So far Noah and Days of Future Past were the only really good ones, and I'm kinda on the fence about Noah. Winter Soldier and Maleficent (and Expendables 3 if you're a fan) were fun to watch, but nothing more. I'm really holding hope for Interstellar.

Geralt_of_Rivia: The first Evil Dead movie was definitely not a comedy. The second one was more a remake of the first where they tried to add humor than a sequel. Didn't work out very well, IMHO. The third one was pure horror-comedy gold though. :-)
Actually the second one is my favourite. I think it's a great balance of horror and comedy. Army of Darkness, while I liked it a lot, felt a bit too cartoony. I'm really looking forward to the new Evil Dead TV series with Campbell back as Ash. I hope it really gets made.
Post edited September 11, 2014 by Breja
soulroar: Lastly would second the Poltergeist recommendation from earlier.
Hooray, a second! I was about to call myself an old fart for recommending this movie.
<span class="bold">Poltergeist</span>, ladies and gentlemen, now recommended by two old farts, hehe.
Breja: Rise was 2011. And it was so stupid I turned it off after about 10 minutes.

Sorry, meant to say Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Has anyone mentioned "13 ghosts"? It has some really scary moments. Those ghosts and their movements .....

Just watched it last night. Starts up right away and really doesn't let up from then on. Shot in North Las Vegas by the looks of it.
Post edited September 11, 2014 by u2jedi
Not a movie, but a short film that severely creeps me out:

edit: Dang I shouldn't have watched it again :( It makes my hair stand on end
Post edited September 11, 2014 by Matewis
In no particular order :

Norferatu The Vampyre
Amityville Horror (the original one)
John Carpenters The Thing
The Exorcist
The movie Gravity... just the though of being in space is terrifying, let alone trapped out there. I was on the edge the whole movie.