tinyE: I was going to agree but I just spent the last hour playing a puzzle game and screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs. I don't know if that counts as love. :P
I know that feeling. Whenever I play Hearthstone, which is almost every day, I end up furiously slamming my fist on my desk. There is clearly some weird anti-synergy between me and that game. I've played almost every genre imaginable in single player, including Card games, but multiplayer I've only ever played Heroes 3, Hearthstone, Quake and Warcraft 3. And while I've always been pissed losing games, it's never been this extreme. I've played a lot of NES games, growing up, but I've never experienced so much frustration to end up throwing my controller.
So clearly, for me, it's I love playing singleplayer games.