Corwim: Yup, same here! :-) Up until that point my gaming experience excisted of games of the Pac Man / Break Out kind of variety, with some basic racing games thrown in the mix as well. And then along came KQIV! I was 8 years old at the time, spoke hardly a word of English, yet this game totally captured my imagination. Played my way through the game with a dictionary next to me and still have fond memories of finally beating the game years later. And then I moved on to all the other Sierra Quest series. I never even played a LucasArts game, or any other non-Sierra game until somewhere in the late 90s!
My pleasure! :-) I do enjoy watching Let's Plays of games I already finished, seeing what other people's experiences are with games I loved and enjoyed myself. I do avoid Let's Plays of adventure games I haven't played yet myself, because I enjoy the challenge of figuring them out myself, without any spoilers. Therefore I will stay clear of your QfG1 playthrough, as that is the one Quest series I never played before. Picked up the bundle during the Spring Insomnia sale here just recently, so can't wait to dive into them once I get sufficient time for them. Might turn to your Let's Play series then whenever I'm stuck though! :-)
Haha, never played that 3D Helicopter sim before, somehow it never was high on my list of priorities. ;-) But I would love to see eg the Laura Bow, the Manhunter, EcoQuest or even the Castle Brain games making an appearance here, Or even non-adventure games like the Earthsiege series, Oil's Well and Outpost (preferrably fully patched that last one ;-) )
As for Plants vs Zombies, I don't even remember the tree of wisdom bit! I have the game on disk, the very first physical release if I'm not mistaken, and that's the one I played all the time. I recently got the Game of the Year edition (it's currently free on Origin :-) ), which mentions that it has 'new content', and was very surprised to see the tree of wisdom mentioned in one of the achievements. Wondering now whether it's something they added in later editions of the games to keep people interested longer, or whether I just never noticed it on my first playthroughs of the game.
Good luck with your Youtube channel, and of course, have fun (re)playing all the Sierra games! :-)
that's a really awesome story. i'm neat that you picked up the game and worked through it with a dictionary like that. must have been /very/ difficult, but i imagine it taught you a fair bit about the english language. and i'm sure that kind of thing would very definitely leave an impression and some very good memories.
if you've never played a lucasarts adventure, it would be a little difficult to recommend one, because it's difficult to know what your tastes are, just looking at your post. if you played king's quest in general, lucasarts never really had a comparable series. if you played and enjoyed space quest, it'd be easier, because a lot of the lucasarts games had something of a funny bone.
i can totally understand your desire to only watch games - especially if they're adventures - that you've already completed. it makes perfect sense to me. quest for glory one's playlist isn't really going anywhere, so when and as you're ready, feel free to dive in.
i think that when you play this particular series, you'll see why many people hold it in such high esteem. there's some good, solid, funny writing, interesting quests and some very neat ideas of how to meld the adventure and rpg genres together. there's some bad, too: grinding is a bit of a pain. and making money can be a little tedious as well. but past that, it's an awesome sequence of games.
regarding 3d helicopter simulator: you're not missing much at all. i had a cousin who quite liked it, but he liked that it was a slightly different take on the flight simulator genre, which he was very into, at the time.
i also agree with you. it'd be neat to see the non-quest games show up here as well.
plants versus zombies has gone through a number of revisions, so your memory may not be all that incorrect. the earliest version i remember seeing was a version that still had the michael jackson zombies, but that's not the version i have - i went and bought it the minute it came out on disk, because i wanted to support popcap.
lastly: thankyou for the well wishes. i'm certainly enjoying myself and i rather hope my viewers are, too.