groze: Thanks for doing this, I've been enjoying it a whole lot! :D
Since I was always more of a LucasArts kid, many of the Sierra classics passed me by (with the notable exception of the Gabriel Knight series), and it's really nice to be able to experience these games I missed without all of the frustrations of having to go through them myself. Which I still plan on eventually doing, though.
no problem. in a way, i kind of wish sierra had been saved by lucasarts in the sense that i think lucasart's design sensibilities were so much more on track and less player hostile.
of course, it wouldn't have given us all those fantastic and sometimes hilarious death animations.
thankyou so much for watching - and when you get around to the sierra games, i hope you enjoy them as much as those of us who loved the sierra games out the gate did.
i have a certain fondness for the lucasarts games - they always seemed more polished to me, but i loved the sierra games for their "family" feel. the sierra teams always just felt like little families to me, whereas i never felt that kind of "spirit" from the lucasarts games.