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the thorn in shen-zin zu's side turns out to be...not quite what we were expecting, but we deal with it anyway:

blizzard's writing [and lack of subtlety] continue to suck.
the internet has spoken!

we choose our faction in world of warcraft:
I love how this thread is basically just lostwolfe posts.
That shows real dedication.
Smannesman: I love how this thread is basically just lostwolfe posts.
That shows real dedication.
thanks, well:

i think it'd be somewhat rude to make a new thread every time i post a video. that way, i keep my posts in one place and don't clutter the board.

plus: anyone looking for a specific video only needs to find one post, not several.
And I just discovered this thread!
King's Quest 5! Finally I may discover what the hell I was doing wrong! That game nearly drove me nuts!
Thank you. Your videos may help me regain some of my long lost sanity. :-)
Gede: And I just discovered this thread!
King's Quest 5! Finally I may discover what the hell I was doing wrong! That game nearly drove me nuts!
Thank you. Your videos may help me regain some of my long lost sanity. :-)
thanks for watching.

and yeah. there's some dumbness in kq5. i hope you enjoy.
rex breaks out ALL the stereotypes in episode 3:

it's facepalmy:
world of warcraft, episode 10!

i explain wow's now-ridiculous timeline, we get a profession and we do some questing. the quest turns out to be ridiculous, though :P
it's time for another tavern brawl in hearthstone. this week is "it's raining mana" and, well sometimes, limiting yourself to the free cards is...

...limiting ;)

especially on a money week like this week where it was early ramp, as per the brawl rules:
more wolfy antics are had this week in the world of warcraft interlude:

gilneas is seriously over-run with those dudes, and there's not a whole lot we can do about it.
i wasn't crazy about larry 5.

here's why:
folks invested in world of warcraft leveling, feel free to saddle me with a second profession given the following pieces of information:

we already have tailoring.

you can vote for:

bearing in mind that we can take - without consequence:
First Aid
everybody cool it, this is a police academy!

that's right. police quest 3 is starting up:
world of warcraft, episode 11 is here!

we embark on a great murloc hunt, but the murlocs aren't really interested, so, instead, i show off mining and the idea of flight paths. belatedly, the murlocs show up again and we go right ahead with our quests.

for those that missed out on week 2!

here's the round up video:
we go after colonel sanders treasure!

i mean captain sanders. :P

either way, his treasure is found and we learn all about polymorph.