Sage103082: Roberta Williams wrote the first Laura Bow - the Colonels Bequest. She however had nothing to do with the sequal - The Dagger of Amon-Ra. The first being one of my all time favorite sierra games. The squeal is good but a little more time based to try to see and hear everything.
I for one like Kings Quest 7. I did not mind the visual style that the game had moved forward to. As well as Torn's Passage.
KQ8 I however could not get into with the block 3d style and the very heavy combat.
Willy Beamish, Freddy Pharkas, and Robin Hood are all very great adventure games.
Ken and Roberta were the heart of Seirra but with Al Lowe and Jane Jensen on the team many great games and series were made.
I for one can not wait for the remastered edition of Gabriel Knights Sins of the Father.
(sorry for jumping around my mind is a little cloudy this morning.. think i might be getting sick.)
lostwolfe: it's fine. we're all here to discuss awesome games and what we liked about them. don't worry about being cloudy :) - i hope you're not getting sick, though. that would suck. :(
also, in case you've been watching my videos, thankyou so much for that.
laura bow and i never got along very well. mostly it was the time period and the fact that it was a murder mystery. both things i could never get into. [but i /do/ applaud them for going with a lady as a protagonist. that was very awesome.]
king's quest 7 bugged me at the time because it felt like sierra were trying - half-heartedly - for the disney market. and that /may/ have worked if they'd put more effort into - for example - the voice acting. looking at it now, i think they watched disney's "beauty and the beast" and felt like they could do that and then failed abysmally.
king's quest 8 bugged me just because how non-king's-quest it felt. the rpg elements i could handle, and the sorta-kinda puzzle elements i could manage, but connor? no royal family? this sudden made up thing of the mask? guys, this isn't a king's quest :P
and i totally agree. those off the beaten path games you mentioned were all pretty neat. [though the constant deaths in willy beamish were a bit stupid.]
i'm not one for gabriel knight very much. my sister loved it when it came out, and i will buy a copy so i can gift it to her.
I would tend to agree somewhat with that, considering they also did work on Taran Wanderer properties, (IE: The Black Cauldron.) Which was probably one of the oddest things ever probably conceived of, now that the books that game and the movie were based off of, really haven't stood the test of time in regards to popularity.
I also think that over time, that may have been what they were shooting for with certain properties all along, considering how many fairy tales were packed into the early Sierra properties. Let's be honest though, I LOVE Sierra, but what they attempted to do, was to sort of take a lot of pop culture references, add pictures to make them more engaging, and a fairly okay text parser system, in order to get a leg up on the Infocoms, which were text only.
I would also hold up Torin's Passage as a good example of the more "Disnified" product I think they were shooting for, despite oddly being done by Al Lowe. That said, I played Torin's Passage and enjoyed it for what it was, a cute game with some laughs, that I could enjoy with my younger family members, and some pretty good animation for computer games at the time.