tort1234: tinyE was
abusing his popularity in various ways and he was getting away with it because he was popular and no one had the courage to straighten him out.
He was acting like one of those popular kids in highschool who smacks a girls butt and gets away with it because he is popular and no one complains about the sexual assault.
1. He routinely called people "Assholes"
2. He insulted other people's mothers with very crude remarks and unfunny sex "jokes"
3. He was throwing around the word "scammer" with no proof.
4. He was acting as a forum bully.
doctorsinister: I am not taking any sides on this issue but you have my sympathies tort1234.
In the corporate environment where I work at, a handsome 6 foot tall former high school jock routinely gets away with doing things that are downright sexual harassment and passive-aggressive bullying of shorter weaker males. Almost everyone just turns a blind eye to his indiscretions because of his popular reputation.
The only thing you can do is just suck it up, keep a low profile, do your job and get the hell out of there.
Actually, has anyone ever considered speaking to this person in private and telling them that not only you, but others have noticed their unacceptable behavior and give them a chance to correct themselves?
I know that a lot of people don't like to "confront" the popular guy and in a public setting, it's not the best place to do it. But if you're talking to them one-on-one, they're usually more open to criticism.
Explain that what they are doing could potentially cost the company millions of dollars in lawsuits and really hurt everyone in the company if they have to pay attorney's fees and settlements.
People don't have to tolerate or avoid bullies, sometimes they just need an adjustment of attitude.
xxxIndyxxx: Disclaimer: only read the first few posts!
I hope they are happy with how big they have become. To bad they turned into an awful hostile place. They don't even release that much good games anymore....
Now back into hiding
I have to disagree. :) Dying Light was a great addition and I can't wait for the DOTT (Day Of The Tentacle) re-make to debut next week.
It's only a hostile place if one lets it become that way, it doesn't have to be one.