I haven't read it, but is there a movie of it I could watch instead? :) I don't have much time to read fictional books due to all this gaming and GOG foruming.
Is it a book that pupils in American schools are normally supposed to read as part of their curriculum? In here were are made to read e.g. "Tuntematon Sotilas" ("Unknown Soldier", about the Finn-Russian war during WWII from the Finnish point of view) and "Seitsemän Veljestä" ("Seven Brothers", considered as some kind of old classic in Finnish literature), but that's about it, or was when I was in school.
I read
the Finnish Wikipedia article for The Catcher in the Rye, and the plot sounded oddly convoluted and meh (some guy in New York who drops out of school and then just hangs around with different people?), but maybe it is then told in such a convincing way, right?
The Wikipedia article mentioned there are two Finnish translations for the book, one from 1961 and a newer one from 2004. Not sure which is supposed to be a better translation, the 1961 is said to be good in its own way but inaccurate and not fully faithful to the original. For instance apparently the original is written in some kind of American slang, so the 1961 one is translated to a Helsinki slang. I don't know how that feels in the book, people in New York talking like the young people in 1950s Helsinki?
Not sure how the 2004 translation succeeds, the Wikipedia article doesn't mention it. Maybe it is more faithful to the original then.
I am not really interested to read the English original either, especially if it is not written in proper English.