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high rated
I've long known that GOG was a great company.

40 games in, only one had a glitch, which they helped me to fix within 2 days.

Now more than ever, stuck at home with no company, these games are important for my mental health. Partly it's because I'm limited to my "crappy lappy" and all these games run fine. And partly because a lot of these games, working under brutal hardware constraints managed nonetheless to be brilliant.

Right now I'm diving back into Wiz8 (IMO the BEST RPG EVER!), with breaks into Psychonauts and
Giants:: Citizen Kabuko, and Gabriel Knight (the best point/click ever).

Anyway, to all the GOG team, thank you for helping me stay semi-sane, and I grant you each a fishy stick. (bonus points if you know that reference.

Keyboard love from a quarantine zone.
Rich W
high rated
GOG will definitely be happy to hear that. Due to the virus thingy, they are certainly pretty swamped now!
Then I grant them ( +1 Fishy Sticks). I wasn't looking for a response.

I Know they're busy, But if any of the GOG team cruise the boards, just a shout-out for doing your bit to help during a difficult time.

I think everyone can use some long distance love right now,
Post edited April 12, 2020 by rabblevox
We all need to know that we are connected with others who are experiencing issues related to our limitations in the current situation in which we find ourselves and who, as might we all, be edified by contact, and an interaction with others. There are many rich and precious gems available here; great older games, that are a significant bargain. Not knowing the exact specs of your laptop, one which, as you mentioned, is needful of much, and not having a good enough feel for what you would love to play, tell us, your fellow members, here, what you enjoy insofar as immersive games and what you are able to play within the limitations of your laptop. I'll wager that there will be many great suggestions that will fill both your needs and your budget, my good new friend.
I appreciate the positivity :)
TY for asking, my crappy lappy has been up to every game here I've thrown at it. (from here, anyway) If you're feeling magnanimous, I've got 1/2 dozen on my wish list. ;)
rabblevox: Right now I'm diving back into Wiz8 (IMO the BEST RPG EVER!)
That's my man! :)
*raises his hand for high five*
*hi-fives from six feet away* ;)
Thank you for sharing your experience. :) I certainly can relate!

When I broke my foot three years ago and I spent half the summer unable to walk, GOG's games were a godsend. Particularly Monkey Island and a bunch of other adventure games.

Now that I am confined at home and my full-time job has forcibly become part-time, I know the games will help me once again.

In times of need, I'm glad we all have our DRM-free games to help lift spirits. :)
Post edited April 12, 2020 by ConsulCaesar
rabblevox: TY for asking, my crappy lappy has been up to every game here I've thrown at it. (from here, anyway) If you're feeling magnanimous, I've got 1/2 dozen on my wish list. ;)
Here's a game that has HUGE replay value and the community patch is free. If you like a good RPG then check out Sacred 2 Gold, it's often on sale for about 80% off.
Yeah! I'm with you in this!
Also I would like to add that absolutely delightful sense of wonder one feels by playing these games for the very first time, even though these has being around for long time, but for one reason or another, one didn't have the chance to play them in that time, and its just in recent times that one can enjoy them properly.

Its the ultimate blast!!!
Think positive!
Test negative!
rabblevox: I've long known that GOG was a great company.
It's not perfect(but what is), but it's good enough for my needs as well. :)
rabblevox: Now more than ever, stuck at home with no company, these games are important for my mental health. Partly it's because I'm limited to my "crappy lappy" and all these games run fine. And partly because a lot of these games, working under brutal hardware constraints managed nonetheless to be brilliant.
They help me relieve stress/etc from being mostly home bound(the games and site), so I know what you mean.
rabblevox: Right now I'm diving back into Wiz8 (IMO the BEST RPG EVER!), with breaks into Psychonauts and
Giants:: Citizen Kabuko, and Gabriel Knight (the best point/click ever).
I have Wiz8 on my "to play list"(played some of it long ago and need to try finishing it), and love Gabriel Knight(the classic version, not the crap remaster which changed a bunch of things including the epic intro music/scenes) & Psychonauts.
rabblevox: Anyway, to all the GOG team, thank you for helping me stay semi-sane, and I grant you each a fishy stick.
I LOVE such sticks of the fishes. :D
rabblevox: Keyboard love from a quarantine zone.
Rich W
Have a good one, pal, and stay safe/well. :)

rabblevox: TY for asking, my crappy lappy has been up to every game here I've thrown at it. (from here, anyway) If you're feeling magnanimous, I've got 1/2 dozen on my wish list. ;)
Only one problem....your wishlist here is set to private, so no one can check it to maybe gift you things even if they wanted to.
Post edited April 13, 2020 by GameRager
rabblevox: Right now I'm diving back into Wiz8 (IMO the BEST RPG EVER!), with breaks into Psychonauts and
Giants:: Citizen Kabuko, and Gabriel Knight (the best point/click ever).
The Kabuto levels are fun but it's minions were a little buggy.
How dare you being grateful ? Haven't you read the 50 topics about the downloader thing ? You have to be angry at GOG, they are not our friends, they are our enemies !

...Sorry, I thought we could laugh about it for once :p

By the way would you recommend Wizardry to someone who never played it back in the day and therefore doesn't have any nostalgia for it ? I've always been curious about this series but unfortunately I don't know anyone who played it.
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