Marioface5: If I may ask: Where will you go now?
I'll be going home. I have enough GOG games (1100+) to keep me busy for life.
I still plan to buy some missing DLCs for the games I own on GOG. The current Summer Sale didn't help much in that department. It's another sign of the times, when ever so often now a game is discounted, but its DLCs are not.
And since I'll be monitoring MaGog, I'll still know of new games added, so if an "absolute must" appears, I might consider it too (but there have been very few such in recent months -- only two that I can think of since Janury 2016 (Elven Legacy and Freedom Force)).
Marioface5: A less serious question: I've always wondered, what's up with your avatar? Who and/or what is it, exactly?
As already answered by fortune_p_dawg, she is Aya Brea from the Parasite Eve PSX series.
Historically, for many years, my avatar had been the demoness from King's Bounty: The Legend (probably my favourite GOG game). Then I decided to change and thought to have it always relate to the game I would be playing at the time (I always play only one game at a time). Since I was then replaying Parasite Eve, I changed the avatar to Aya Brea, and then quickly abandoned the scheme of updating it with each new game played, leaving Aya as my recognisable avatar.
Marioface5: And what about your username? Is it read as Mr. Kgnao? Mrk Gnao? I've often pronounced it in my head as "Mister Kay-guh-now". Is there a meaning behind it of some sort?
As already answered by HSL, it's an alternative spelling for "miaow" or "meow", coined by James Joyce in chapter 4 of Ulysses.
It combines my love for cats and literature.