blabeooe: It was a weird looking gmail one.
It's a bit unclear if you mean that the strange email you received appeared to be coming from a Gmail account. If yes, look at the email headers to see if it actually originated from where it appears to have; it's a very common tactic used by spam/phishing bots.
Whatever the case, if you don't recognise the sender, follow TheOneRaziel advice, and don't interact with it in any way.
blabeooe: [...]
On email Thats why im scared how can anyone know my email from this account ??
It sounds like you're using a unique email address for GOG. Are you absolutely sure that you haven't used it anywhere else?
I've been using the same unique email address for GOG since I signed up, and have never received unsolicited email.
If you use this email address for any other purpose, it's possible that the contacts list of one (or more) of your own contacts has been compromised, hence your email address has landed in the hands of spam/phishing bots.
You could change both your password and email address here as a precaution, just make sure you're not recycling any of them.