TARFU: You know, the usual complaints that bother most people about Doom 3, (monster closets, audio logs, flashlight, etc.) don't bother me at all. What does bother me is that you are supposed to be a SPACE marine on a planet with an unbreathable atmosphere and yet your air tank/space helmet capacity is only about 10 seconds of air. Pretty ridiculous, I think. Otherwise, Doom 3 (vanilla edition) is actually my favorite Doom game.
Yeah. I love the closets & flashlight & darkness. If anything, I'd have more closets.
The air capacity is weird but to be fair, there are only a few sections where you step outside, and all but one of these sections are reeally short anyway. They're a little distraction at best.
It's not my favorite Doom, but it's a good game. Like Unreal and others we've discussed here, it's one of these "atmosphere first" games I could play through once every couple years. The action is OK-ish, but not nearly as fun to drop into at a moment's notice as the classic Dooms. And that is what makes the classic Dooms the games that I just keep returning to.