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Gotta join the neither is scary crowd ;)

I thought the problem with Doom was how extremely repetitive it was. Enter room, enemies spawn, kill them, reach end of room, high chance that enemies will spawn behind you, kill them, enter next room. I was extremely bored with it by the end. First half hour was good tho.

With FEAR i thought the horror and "normal" gameplay elements where too detached from each other. When there were enemies you always knew: ok, im in a fighting stage now. Then you moved on, lights started flickering and you knew that the next 5 mins are a ghost train ride - so, no fighting or dying. I also was really, really annoyed by the level design by the end. As if we haven't seen enough storehouses and offices in FPS games yet ;) Great AI though, gotta admit that.

I think the problem with many "scary" games is that we just get used to their tactics after a while, especially when its all scripted. So, personally i was the most on edge in games where i didn't really see it coming... those underground labs in Stalker for example. Damn.
Doom 3 is annoying. Too many cheap jump scares and too many enemies that walk straight at you
ignisferroque: Gotta join the neither is scary crowd ;)

I thought the problem with Doom was how extremely repetitive it was. Enter room, enemies spawn, kill them, reach end of room, high chance that enemies will spawn behind you, kill them, enter next room. I was extremely bored with it by the end.
Pretty much Doom in general. I don't know why people did not think Doom 1 and 2 was repetitive.
Elmofongo: Pretty much Doom in general. I don't know why people did not think Doom 1 and 2 was repetitive.
Maybe it wasn't as obnoxious since they didn't really try to be horror games... but yes. ;)
Never really got into the first two, played Marathon with its story and mission objectives and factions etc. before and found Doom really underwhelming when i finally got to play them. I can see the historic value though.
Elmofongo: Pretty much Doom in general. I don't know why people did not think Doom 1 and 2 was repetitive.
Flow... even today it's near perfect. There was some mod which completely turns off the 3D graphics and instead shows everything (enemy shots, obstacles) on the top-down map. Turned out the game is still fun to play this way.

I think the thing is, people start to notice repetitive environments only if the game play doesn't keep them on the edge of their seats. I mean has anyone ever complained about Tetris that the blocks look always the same?
Ganni1987: @Elmo: Next time leave a spoiler warning please!!! You literally told me a part of the story in a couple of lines :-)
Elmofongo: Spoilers for a now 13 year old game that most people interested should know by now....
Right, 'most people [. . .] should know'. And a new player isn't born every second...

Well, I guess that makes it A-OK then. That, and because this is the internet. After all, why would anyone want to show consideration for their uninitiated fellow gamers?
Post edited January 25, 2018 by Lemon_Curry
samuraigaiden: Doom 3 is annoying. Too many cheap jump scares and too many enemies that walk straight at you
You forgot that the pacing is completely screwed by having all those emails and audio messages lying around everywhere.
Elmofongo: Spoilers for a now 13 year old game that most people interested should know by now....
I didn't know that, and I was thinking about buying the game. That is one reason why I came to this thread when I saw it.

Think about it: most people on this planet don't know who Darth Vader really is, and that movie came out a long time ago!
Crosmando: You forgot that the pacing is completely screwed by having all those emails and audio messages lying around everywhere.
To be fair, that's an issue with nearly every game that tries to do story. That's why such games generally have worse replay value unless they go to extra length to make up for it.

By contrast, pure action is fun to pick up again and again because you aren't slown down by everything that isn't fun the second time around. That is, of course, assuming the action is good. Unfortunately the action in most games these days is just shit because the devs are too preoccupied with pleasing the casuals, focusing on graphics/immersion/story/collectibles/levelups/loot/...
I love Doom 3 but I have to mention this whenever it comes up, and this DOES not apply to BFG.

State of the art high tech military OPS = no auxiliary lighting, and no way to hook a fucking flashlight onto a rifle. :P

I live in this meager little log cabin in the middle of nowhere and when we lose power, which we frequently do, we NEVER lose the lighting, because we have backups. AND I have this cool little gizmo that can make a flashlight completely hands free.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by tinyE
Elmofongo: Hell looks more creepier than Offices with poor lighting.
That's because you are Christian, you are afraid of ending up in Hell.

If you were, say, Japanese, you'd instead be afraid of little girls who have a long dark hair and don't say anything. Like the kid in Ringu. Especially if they appear in a poorly lit office, ie. your workplace.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by timppu
tinyE: I love Doom 3 but ...
... your avatar looks like shit. Please change it back.
timppu: That's because you are Christian, you are afraid of ending up in Hell.

If you were, say, Japanese, you'd instead be afraid or little girls who have a long dark hair and don't say anything. Like the kid in Ringu. Especially if they appear in a poorly lit office, ie. your workplace.
Somehow, I don't buy this theory.

For what it's worth, hell was the least creepy part of Doom 3 for me.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by clarry
tinyE: I love Doom 3 but ...
clarry: ... your avatar looks like shit. Please change it back.
timppu: That's because you are Christian, you are afraid of ending up in Hell.

If you were, say, Japanese, you'd instead be afraid or little girls who have a long dark hair and don't say anything. Like the kid in Ringu. Especially if they appear in a poorly lit office, ie. your workplace.
clarry: Somehow, I don't buy this theory.

For what it's worth, hell was the least creepy part of Doom 3 for me.
you don't like thumbs up jesus? :P
I think I found Doom 3 overall better then FEAR.

The latter I found to be overly "cloned" :p
I mean: endless, boring rooms after rooms, with mainly boring clones after clones, with "scaring" apparitions that was not clear the purpose nor the context.

The story was a bit of a hit and mix too.
Was a bit convoluted, and a not overly well told.

Also weapons was boring.

Doom 3 had much better graphics and level design, along more interesting gun play.
Enemies were dumber than dumb... But it s Doom, so was allright.
ignisferroque: Gotta join the neither is scary crowd ;)

I thought the problem with Doom was how extremely repetitive it was. Enter room, enemies spawn, kill them, reach end of room, high chance that enemies will spawn behind you, kill them, enter next room. I was extremely bored with it by the end.
Elmofongo: Pretty much Doom in general. I don't know why people did not think Doom 1 and 2 was repetitive.
That's because they were leaps better than Wolfenstein 3d. ;)

Actually I did find Doom 1 and 2 not that great, I was more a Dark Forces and System Shock fanboy.