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Mr. D™: Can someone explain to me why all those people fond of capitalism immediately start to be aggressive as shit when someone questions capitalism?
HereForTheBeer: Rich irony, considering you started this thread with a sarcastic (which is a form of aggressiveness) tone to point out some comments that you question. Given that lead-in, what exactly were you expecting?
So another guy starts to insult people on this forum, but I have to justify my actions? Funny.

Guys it was fun, and thanks for every positive or constructive or funny post.

But I don`t have any nerves left to face hatred-filled people and their broken arguments defending a broken system. I have done that too often on youtube. Basically it`s divide and conquer, so...

I`m out. Until next time ;)
Post edited September 30, 2015 by Mr. D™
I'm pretty sure if I hang out on an Internet chat forum complaining long enough, eventually the world will hand me everything I want and deserve.

I'm waiting, world.
Waiting for Emob78 to use the Stalin or USSR or North Korea card against me even though socialism has nothing to do with blood thirsty dictators and a lack of freedom.
Emob78: Downgraded from capitalist pig to Dark Lord of the Sith... hmmm... or is that an upgrade? Do I get a red lightsaber and lightning bolt hands?

For all you guys who don't believe in private property, wealth accumulation, or capitalist gain, then I offer a suggestion. Since I currently lack lots of games here on GOG, I require economic equilibrium to support my working class wage. Therefore for every 3 games you purchase here, I demand that you gift me 1 of them. Put your money (games) where you mouths are. Want to share with the greater collective? Start gifting lots of games with your hard earned money. Otherwise I will call you a greedy hoarder and report you to the block captains.
monkeydelarge: I never called anyone a "capitalist pig" in this thread. You did call me a "socialist wienie" though so I felt no need to hold myself back afterwards. Your suggestion has nothing to do with socialism because you are not extremely poor or are you? And you are saying, food, shelter and health care has the same value as video games. FAIL Never heard of anyone freezing to death during the winter from not having a massive collection of video games. Last time I checked, you can't eat GOGs or light them on fire to keep you warm or use GOGs to cure horrible afflictions or use GOGs to build shelter. I'm not saying entertainment is not important though. People do need video games. Just not as much as food, shelter and health care. And nobody needs a massive collection of video games.
Nobody needs a massive collection of video games? I just hope that comment is sinking in with everyone here. I'm sure that about 99% of everyone here would disagree with that.

And I have no problem with you or anyone else calling me a capitalist pig, a Sith, an MRA nut, a right wing loser, or any of the other wonderful terms I've been called here. Sticks and stones, bro. Sticks and stones. Maybe with a few more sticks and stones we can make a fire, toss some crappy games on top and keep warm at night. Save on the electric bill.
yogsloth: I'm pretty sure if I hang out on an Internet chat forum complaining long enough, eventually the world will hand me everything I want and deserve.

I'm waiting, world.
I'm pretty sure if I hang out on an internet chat forum and make only smart ass sarcastic posts in a thread, the quality of my life will improve and people here will see things my way.
monkeydelarge: I'm pretty sure if I hang out on an internet chat forum and make only smart ass sarcastic posts in a thread, the quality of my life will improve and people here will see things my way.
Nah, I tried that. It doesn't work so good.
Crewdroog: valid research that it's a psuedoscience or it's not true! :)

Now if your faith leads to you believe that evolution isn't true and the earth was created how your belief system specified, then I can't touch you, no one can disprove faith. However, when you start making your belief sound like science to further your religion's agendas (teaching christian religion in schools), then you have entered my world of Science, where claims need to be supported with educated hypothesises, years of studies, analysis and peer reviews.

So if you want to say, "my faith system doesn't work with evolution", fine. But when you start throwing words around like "psuedoscience", I'd appreciate some form of research to back up your claims.

Edit: and yes, I am assuming your problem with evolution is a faith-based one, and that was wrong of me. It could be epigenetics for all i know.
MarioFanaticXV: My main problem with evolution is that it requires us to pretty much ignore everything about heredity and genetics. That being said, generally burden of proof is on the one claiming something is science, not the other way around. People have been looking for evidence of evolution for well over a century now, but the more we learn about genetics, the less likely it seems. When a system is backed up only on hearsay and endorsements and not on data and evidence, it is not science- evolution needs to go the way of geocentricity and make way for modern research.
Crosmando: The right-wing in the US is completely despicable. In other countries the right will make appeals to nationalism and patriotism, ie the "common good". In the US the right just no longer even care about disguising it, it's just "I'm rich and I don't want to share!" and "fuck the poor!" without any shame or humility. Just selfishness and greed.

I mean how can you even claim to be patriotic/nationalistic if you don't give a flying fuck about the conditions of your fellow countrymen? What is a nation but the people who inhabit it?
MarioFanaticXV: Yes, it's those who don't want to steal others money that are greedy; those who want to take money from others without doing anything to earn it? They're the truly generous ones![/sarcasm]
Ah! Now I am very intrigued. :)

So are you a subscriber to Lemmarkism? With the new studies in epigenetics, I am very certain that there is a role for Lemmarkism, but I don't think that means you completely throw darwinian evolution out the window. I've taken courses on animal morphology, and there is great evidence to support Darwinism, or rather modern evolutionary synthesis, for instance the evolution of the human jaw starting at hagfish. However, I think this cannot explain everything, and epigenetics has shown that many behavioral responses are more coded in genes that can be turned on and off via stressors the youngs' parents' experience.

But just b/c modern evolutionary synthesis can't explain everything doesn't make it a psuedoscience. :(

This is why I love science, just when you think you have things figured out, you discover something new that turns everything on it's head :)
monkeydelarge: I never called anyone a "capitalist pig" in this thread. You did call me a "socialist wienie" though so I felt no need to hold myself back afterwards. Your suggestion has nothing to do with socialism because you are not extremely poor or are you? And you are saying, food, shelter and health care has the same value as video games. FAIL Never heard of anyone freezing to death during the winter from not having a massive collection of video games. Last time I checked, you can't eat GOGs or light them on fire to keep you warm or use GOGs to cure horrible afflictions or use GOGs to build shelter. I'm not saying entertainment is not important though. People do need video games. Just not as much as food, shelter and health care. And nobody needs a massive collection of video games.
Emob78: Nobody needs a massive collection of video games? I just hope that comment is sinking in with everyone here. I'm sure that about 99% of everyone here would disagree with that.

And I have no problem with you or anyone else calling me a capitalist pig, a Sith, an MRA nut, a right wing loser, or any of the other wonderful terms I've been called here. Sticks and stones, bro. Sticks and stones. Maybe with a few more sticks and stones we can make a fire, toss some crappy games on top and keep warm at night. Save on the electric bill.
In the end, it is sticks and stones. But you were the one who complained about me calling you a Sith Lord. And I could of called you something a lot worse. Because Sith Lords, at least have cool looking armor, a light saber and can kick other people's asses in combat. But because "wienie" wasn't too bad, I didn't want to unleash a barrage of verbal poo flinging.

MarioFanaticXV: Yes, it's those who don't want to steal others money that are greedy; those who want to take money from others without doing anything to earn it? They're the truly generous ones![/sarcasm]
So you are saying people who ask(or demand) for help so they don't starve to death, freeze to death or die or just suffer from all the other bad things that can happen to an unfortunate person is greedy? It seems, you need to look up the definition for greed.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Emob78: Nobody needs a massive collection of video games? I just hope that comment is sinking in with everyone here. I'm sure that about 99% of everyone here would disagree with that.

And I have no problem with you or anyone else calling me a capitalist pig, a Sith, an MRA nut, a right wing loser, or any of the other wonderful terms I've been called here. Sticks and stones, bro. Sticks and stones. Maybe with a few more sticks and stones we can make a fire, toss some crappy games on top and keep warm at night. Save on the electric bill.
monkeydelarge: In the end, it is sticks and stones. But you were the one who complained about me calling you a Sith Lord. And I could of called you something a lot worse. Because Sith Lords, at least have cool looking armor, a light saber and can kick other people's asses in combat. But because "wienie" wasn't too bad, I didn't want to unleash a barrage of verbal poo flinging.

MarioFanaticXV: Yes, it's those who don't want to steal others money that are greedy; those who want to take money from others without doing anything to earn it? They're the truly generous ones![/sarcasm]
monkeydelarge: So you are saying people who ask(or demand) for help so they don't starve to death, freeze to death or die or just suffer from all the other bad things that can happen to an unfortunate person is greedy? It seems, you need to look up the definition for greed.

So in your eyes, if a homeless starving guy with mental problems asks you for 50 cents so he can save up for a cheeseburger or a can of soup, he is a greedy bastard, right? Clearly this homeless guy is as greedy as the infamous Marcus Licinius Crassus, right?
You do realize that taking a more capitalistic approach and letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt, correct? Also, conservatives (who are typically capitalists) tend to give more of their money to charity than liberals (who have become increasingly socialist over the last few decades, and many are even self-proclaimed socialists).

Also, how many people has socialism brought out of poverty? How many people has capitalism brought out of poverty? Only capitalism allows the poor to become rich, as it prevents the idea of a fixed station in life- instead, you have the power to shape your own destiny. In socialism, the government decides what you get, and steals a bunch so that a few elites can have everything, at the expense of everyone else. But hey, I guess all those small business owners are just being greedy by creating jobs, giving to charity, and trying to make an honest living, right?

Also, I find it funny that you think it's generous to take someone else's money for yourself, but greedy to let them keep what's rightfully theirs.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by MarioFanaticXV
monkeydelarge: In the end, it is sticks and stones. But you were the one who complained about me calling you a Sith Lord. And I could of called you something a lot worse. Because Sith Lords, at least have cool looking armor, a light saber and can kick other people's asses in combat. But because "wienie" wasn't too bad, I didn't want to unleash a barrage of verbal poo flinging.

So you are saying people who ask(or demand) for help so they don't starve to death, freeze to death or die or just suffer from all the other bad things that can happen to an unfortunate person is greedy? It seems, you need to look up the definition for greed.

So in your eyes, if a homeless starving guy with mental problems asks you for 50 cents so he can save up for a cheeseburger or a can of soup, he is a greedy bastard, right? Clearly this homeless guy is as greedy as the infamous Marcus Licinius Crassus, right?
MarioFanaticXV: You do realize that taking a more capitalistic approach and letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt, correct? Also, conservatives (who are typically capitalists) tend to give more of their money to charity than liberals (who have become increasingly socialist over the last few decades, and many are even self-proclaimed socialists).

Also, how many people has socialism brought out of poverty? How many people has capitalism brought out of poverty? Only capitalism allows the poor to become rich, as it prevents the idea of a fixed station in life- instead, you have the power to shape your own destiny. In socialism, the government decides what you get, and steals a bunch so that a few elites can have everything, at the expense of everyone else. But hey, I guess all those small business owners are just being greedy by creating jobs, giving to charity, and trying to make an honest living, right?

Also, I find it funny that you think it's generous to take someone else's money for yourself, but greedy to let them keep what's rightfully theirs.
Not all the money people make is rightfully theirs. I know of no person who made any money without society helping him make his money. We are all connected to each other. How much money would you be able to make if you were born in a world only populated by yourself? Without your parents helping you, you wouldn't of even reached the age of 5. Yeah, it's greedy to want all the benefits of society without paying society back for being kind to you. So to prevent suffering and death, money has to be taken because there are too many people who want to have their cake and eat it too. It is generous considering how much suffering and death it prevents. And letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt IF we live in such a dream world. But real life, doesn't work like that. This world is not World Of Warcraft where anyone can just grind to a high level. If the world is the dream world you say it is, there would be very little suffering and death, right now. Not everyone who is poor or homeless, lazy or stupid or both. So that means the system is broken.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Dammit, I wanted to have an intelligent discussion about science, since this was what Rush was going on about. I guess it's more fun to just be snarky with one another and re-hash the same old arguemts. Sigh. *throws up hands and walks away*
MarioFanaticXV: You do realize that taking a more capitalistic approach and letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt, correct? Also, conservatives (who are typically capitalists) tend to give more of their money to charity than liberals (who have become increasingly socialist over the last few decades, and many are even self-proclaimed socialists).

Also, how many people has socialism brought out of poverty? How many people has capitalism brought out of poverty? Only capitalism allows the poor to become rich, as it prevents the idea of a fixed station in life- instead, you have the power to shape your own destiny. In socialism, the government decides what you get, and steals a bunch so that a few elites can have everything, at the expense of everyone else. But hey, I guess all those small business owners are just being greedy by creating jobs, giving to charity, and trying to make an honest living, right?

Also, I find it funny that you think it's generous to take someone else's money for yourself, but greedy to let them keep what's rightfully theirs.
monkeydelarge: Not all the money people make is rightfully theirs. I know of no person who made any money without society helping them make their money. We are all connected to each other. How much money would you be able to make if you lived in a world only populated by yourself? Yeah, it's greedy to want all the benefits of society without paying society back for being kind to you. So to prevent suffering and death, money has to be taken because there are too many people who want to have their cake and eat it too. It is generous considering how much suffering and death it prevents. And letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt IF we live in such a dream world. But real life, doesn't work like that. This world is not World Of Warcraft where anyone can just grind to a high level. If the world is the dream world you say it is, there would be very little suffering and death, right now. Not everyone who is poor or homeless, lazy or stupid or both.
I live in a dream world? You're the one that believes that someone being successful magically makes others fail. And are there people that have money that's not rightfully theirs? Of course; but we're not talking about theives. That's entirely different.

In a capitalistic system, people make money by benefiting society- by providing goods and/or services that others deem worthy of willingly exchanging their money for those things. In socialism, it's done by people having the favor of "the right people", and everyone else just doesn't matter.

Also, I find it funny that you consider the system that encourages charity and personal responsibility to be greedier than the system that discourages such things. Did you at all look at that link you gave that defined greed, or did you just look at the URL and decide that was sufficient? Wanting to steal from others is greedy. If you think that more needs to be done for charity, give some more of your money then. But I guess that's the major difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives think giving their own money is generous, while liberals think stealing someone else's money is generous.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by MarioFanaticXV
monkeydelarge: Not all the money people make is rightfully theirs. I know of no person who made any money without society helping them make their money. We are all connected to each other. How much money would you be able to make if you lived in a world only populated by yourself? Yeah, it's greedy to want all the benefits of society without paying society back for being kind to you. So to prevent suffering and death, money has to be taken because there are too many people who want to have their cake and eat it too. It is generous considering how much suffering and death it prevents. And letting people pick themselves up instead of keeping them bound to welfare would actually help more people than it would hurt IF we live in such a dream world. But real life, doesn't work like that. This world is not World Of Warcraft where anyone can just grind to a high level. If the world is the dream world you say it is, there would be very little suffering and death, right now. Not everyone who is poor or homeless, lazy or stupid or both.
MarioFanaticXV: I live in a dream world? You're the one that believes that someone being successful magically makes others fail. And are there people that have money that's not rightfully theirs? Of course; but we're not talking about theives. That's entirely different.

In a capitalistic system, people make money by benefiting society- by providing goods and/or services that others deem worthy of willingly exchanging their money for those things. In socialism, it's done by people having the favor of "the right people", and everyone else just doesn't matter.

Also, I find it funny that you consider the system that encourages charity and personal responsibility to be greedier than the system that discourages such things. Did you at all look at that link you gave that defined greed, or did you just look at the URL and decide that was sufficient.
It seems you don't even fully understand how capitalism works or are extremely delusional. Yes, in order for someone to be successful they have to fuck other people over. But in this world, we make this sound nice and innocent by calling it "profit". It is true that socialism is not immune from corruption but the current system is not immune either and insanely fucking corrupt. I find it fucked up you consider a system that allows a massive amount of suffering and death to be so amazing. The current system encourages charity? That is why there are so many people who are homeless and dying from poverty in this country...

Yeah, a small percentage of the population donating just isn't enough. Do you keep defending this system because it is good for you and you don't care about other people or do you truly believe this is the best system for humanity?
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
MarioFanaticXV: I live in a dream world? You're the one that believes that someone being successful magically makes others fail. And are there people that have money that's not rightfully theirs? Of course; but we're not talking about theives. That's entirely different.

In a capitalistic system, people make money by benefiting society- by providing goods and/or services that others deem worthy of willingly exchanging their money for those things. In socialism, it's done by people having the favor of "the right people", and everyone else just doesn't matter.

Also, I find it funny that you consider the system that encourages charity and personal responsibility to be greedier than the system that discourages such things. Did you at all look at that link you gave that defined greed, or did you just look at the URL and decide that was sufficient.
monkeydelarge: It seems you don't even fully understand how capitalism works or are extremely delusional. Yes, in order for someone to be successful they have to fuck other people over. But in this world, we make this sound nice and innocent by calling it "profit". It is true that socialism is not immune from corruption but the current system is not immune either and insanely fucking corrupt. I find it fucked up you consider a system that allows a massive amount of suffering and death to be so amazing. The current system encourages charity? That is why there are so many people who are homeless and dying from poverty in this country...

Yeah, a small percentage of the population donating just isn't enough. Do you keep defending this system because it is good for you and you don't care about other people or do you truly believe this is the best system for humanity?
I KNOW it's best for humanity; capitalism is the only thing that allows the poor to rise out of poverty instead of just being serfs or slaves to a select few elite. It encourages people to grow and improve themselves, whereas socialism only teaches people to be slaves. Socialism is just an oligarchy with a friendlier face.

Also, how does profit "**** other people over"? Are you denying wealth creation? Tell me, if you gathered all material wealth in the world today, would it be worth more or less than all the material wealth a hundred years ago?
monkeydelarge: It seems you don't even fully understand how capitalism works or are extremely delusional. Yes, in order for someone to be successful they have to fuck other people over. But in this world, we make this sound nice and innocent by calling it "profit". It is true that socialism is not immune from corruption but the current system is not immune either and insanely fucking corrupt. I find it fucked up you consider a system that allows a massive amount of suffering and death to be so amazing. The current system encourages charity? That is why there are so many people who are homeless and dying from poverty in this country...

Yeah, a small percentage of the population donating just isn't enough. Do you keep defending this system because it is good for you and you don't care about other people or do you truly believe this is the best system for humanity?
MarioFanaticXV: I KNOW it's best for humanity; capitalism is the only thing that allows the poor to rise out of poverty instead of just being serfs or slaves to a select few elite. It encourages people to grow and improve themselves, whereas socialism only teaches people to be slaves. Socialism is just an oligarchy with a friendlier face.

Also, how does profit "**** other people over"? Are you denying wealth creation? Tell me, if you gathered all material wealth in the world today, would it be worth more or less than all the material wealth a hundred years ago?
The part about not being serfs or slaves sound good but it's not just the way it works in real life. You believe in an illusion. If what you said is actually true, a lot of intelligent people wouldn't be for socialism and all the Scandinavian countries would be more like the USA. And does capitalism really help people grow and improve themselves? I don't see how having more material possessions and more expensive appetites, makes people grow. And is improving your money making capability, really improving yourself? Even if the system works the way you say it is working, it still throws too many people under the bus like those with mental problems, health problems and the outcasts.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge