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MarioFanaticXV: Rush Limbaugh is essentially conservative that argues like a liberal. I cant stand him; he should leave angry emotion-driven rants to the left-wing, those of use who are on the right-wing don't enjoy such tirades.

Did you really just compare gravity to outdated pseudoscience?
Crewdroog: valid research that it's a psuedoscience or it's not true! :)

Now if your faith leads to you believe that evolution isn't true and the earth was created how your belief system specified, then I can't touch you, no one can disprove faith. However, when you start making your belief sound like science to further your religion's agendas (teaching christian religion in schools), then you have entered my world of Science, where claims need to be supported with educated hypothesises, years of studies, analysis and peer reviews.

So if you want to say, "my faith system doesn't work with evolution", fine. But when you start throwing words around like "psuedoscience", I'd appreciate some form of research to back up your claims.

Edit: and yes, I am assuming your problem with evolution is a faith-based one, and that was wrong of me. It could be epigenetics for all i know.
My main problem with evolution is that it requires us to pretty much ignore everything about heredity and genetics. That being said, generally burden of proof is on the one claiming something is science, not the other way around. People have been looking for evidence of evolution for well over a century now, but the more we learn about genetics, the less likely it seems. When a system is backed up only on hearsay and endorsements and not on data and evidence, it is not science- evolution needs to go the way of geocentricity and make way for modern research.
Crosmando: The right-wing in the US is completely despicable. In other countries the right will make appeals to nationalism and patriotism, ie the "common good". In the US the right just no longer even care about disguising it, it's just "I'm rich and I don't want to share!" and "fuck the poor!" without any shame or humility. Just selfishness and greed.

I mean how can you even claim to be patriotic/nationalistic if you don't give a flying fuck about the conditions of your fellow countrymen? What is a nation but the people who inhabit it?
Yes, it's those who don't want to steal others money that are greedy; those who want to take money from others without doing anything to earn it? They're the truly generous ones![/sarcasm]
Post edited September 30, 2015 by MarioFanaticXV
As I said, I wouldn't have a problem if the US right-wing actually started calling themselves what they really are: capitalist individualists, instead of wrapping themselves in the flag. Because in order to be a patriot you need to actually care about your fellow countrymen, even the most poor ones.

If you have such a huge problem with paying taxes to help your less well-off fellow citizens then you probably only care about yourself and your immediate friends and family, you don't care about your country as a whole. That's what being part of a society is all about.

Last I heard about America, some of it's major cities had some of the largest homeless populations around. And you guys don't even have a proper/permanent unemployment benefit. But whenever someone suggests that taxes be increased on the rich to help alleviate some suffering and help the poor, people go crazy about the "government stealing their money". I mean you guys obviously seem to hate each other intensely because you don't want to help each other, why are you even a country?
Post edited September 30, 2015 by Crosmando
The U.S. : land of contrasts. How can you have so much great minds, right next to 'those guys' ?
Crosmando: As I said, I wouldn't have a problem if the US right-wing actually started calling themselves what they really are: capitalist individualists, instead of wrapping themselves in the flag. Because in order to be a patriot you need to actually care about your fellow countrymen, even the most poor ones.
Not to mention the omnipresence of Christian 'folklore' AND capitalism all-the-way : these are the two extremes of the egoistic stance (I don't mean that capitalism is evil, just extremely self centered by definition)
Post edited September 30, 2015 by Potzato
Crosmando: As I said, I wouldn't have a problem if the US right-wing actually started calling themselves what they really are: capitalist individualists, instead of wrapping themselves in the flag. Because in order to be a patriot you need to actually care about your fellow countrymen, even the most poor ones.

If you have such a huge problem with paying taxes to help your less well-off fellow citizens then you probably only care about yourself and your immediate friends and family, you don't care about your country as a whole. That's what being part of a society is all about.

Last I heard about America, some of it's major cities had some of the largest homeless populations around. And you guys don't even have a proper/permanent unemployment benefit. But whenever someone suggests that taxes be increased on the rich to help alleviate some suffering and help the poor, people go crazy about the "government stealing their money". I mean you guys obviously seem to hate each other intensely because you don't want to help each other, why are you even a country?
Why should people be allowed to skim by without pulling their own weight? People who won't work or don't contribute to the betterment of society are a detriment, not a boon to society as a whole. Why should a few hard working people support masses of people who want the free ride? That's not a society. A society is people working together for the betterment of the whole. The dregs are always there, but I shouldn't have to support people who are unwilling or unable to contribute to the whole. They need to be culled from the herd for the increased survival potential of the rest.

This is obviously an extreme view, and I don't fully support it, but the general idea is indeed right. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. And people just freeloading on the work of others are always part of the problem.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by paladin181
This is getting ugly fast. XD
tinyE: This is getting ugly fast. XD
Politics and religion... two things that should never be discussed in public. Or with friends with whom you wish to remain friends.
tinyE: This is getting ugly fast. XD
Lol yes was thinking the same thing. Perhaps this will finally succeed the "A message to ... - I get you" thread of the days of old, the era that preceded the Great Archiving of 2014
MarioFanaticXV: My main problem with evolution is that it requires us to pretty much ignore everything about heredity and genetics. That being said, generally burden of proof is on the one claiming something is science, not the other way around. People have been looking for evidence of evolution for well over a century now, but the more we learn about genetics, the less likely it seems. When a system is backed up only on hearsay and endorsements and not on data and evidence, it is not science- evolution needs to go the way of geocentricity and make way for modern research.
The last time I checked, evolution was pretty well backed by genetic research and is even applied in that field.
And here come the rich to tell us to be "richer and smarter or you're dumb".

And ignore the fact that most people get rich off of OTHER peoples work.

"Work hard, and you'll get rich".

No, work hard and you'll stay middle class and the rich will take from you.
Well, one thing is for certain.

If we want to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening here on earth, we'd better raise taxes.
Well, if one this is for certain

If we want to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening here on earth, we'd better let corporations run our lives and make us work like slaves.
yogsloth: Well, one thing is for certain.

If we want to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening here on earth, we'd better raise taxes.
If that's a joke, I LOL. If not, I LOL.
Potzato: The U.S. : land of contrasts. How can you have so much great minds, right next to 'those guys' ?
Is it that much more striking than having on one hand Bourdieu, Augé, Fassin, Foucault, Barthes, Cavanna, Desproges, Brassens, etc and on the other hand Le Pen, Zemmour, Dieudonné, Boutin, Morano, Soral, etc ?...
MarioFanaticXV: Rush Limbaugh is essentially conservative that argues like a liberal. I cant stand him; he should leave angry emotion-driven rants to the left-wing, those of use who are on the right-wing don't enjoy such tirades.
chadjenofsky: Yes, climate change IS propaganda from the liberals in order to push their agenda, just like evolution, gravity, and anything else sciencey.

PS - Lewis Black!!!
MarioFanaticXV: Did you really just compare gravity to outdated pseudoscience?
Yeah, instead of unleashing emotion driven rants(based on facts) like liberals, you conservatives just spew your bullshit propaganda in a cool, calm and collected manner. :)
itchy01ca01: And here come the rich to tell us to be "richer and smarter or you're dumb".

And ignore the fact that most people get rich off of OTHER peoples work.

"Work hard, and you'll get rich".

No, work hard and you'll stay middle class and the rich will take from you.
No, work hard and you will stay poor but they brainwash people to think otherwise because if everyone discovered the truth, they wouldn't make very good slaves.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Heck yeah, guys! I have a great idea!

Let's show those evil 1%'s how we REALLY feel! Let's all go camp out on the lawn of city hall for a week, get really REALLY high, and poo in the bushes!