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I love when people just show up here to fart out a thread about how GOG sucks and then just dissappear instead of actually discussing the issue.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I love when people just show up here to fart out a thread about how GOG sucks and then just dissappear instead of actually discussing the issue.
Was going to post something similar, but wanted to give the OP the benefit of the doubt for a full 24 hours at least.

Still, good advice goes for naught if it falls upon deaf ears.
I'm lucky with my 150 games from GOG. So far almost all (all 50 I can remember, that were fun) run more or less smoothly.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by Trilarion
Neither do I.
They're always telling me how much we'll enjoy and love our time together, but that's not always true.
Those games are always lying about stuff.
The backlog makes me quite a bit more forgiving. In rare cases do I install the game within 30 days of purchase, let alone run it to see if it works. So if I come across a $6 dud that won't work on my setup, well, A) it's on me for not trying it sooner, B) it's $6, and C) I'll play something else from the backlog.

Edit: even then, I've bumped into 2 that won't play, and 1 that might with a lot of tweaks. Other people have no problem with them so it's something to do with my end of things. I can't fault gOg for not coming to my house for a personalized installation.

gOg, if you do? Bring DRM-free pizza. Thanks.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by HereForTheBeer
KasperHviid: Sorry, bad communication on my part - I was geniuly interested in how hard DOSBox is to set up. I didn't try to imply anything negative about the GoG teams efforts. (and if they did get some old game up and running in no time, more powers to them!)
Like InfraSuperman suggested, it's not that hard. The Wiki has been very helpful.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by tfishell
HunchBluntley: More importantly,
timppu: You could say that yes, but
Reformulated. Happy? :P
Thanks for the help with DOSBox ... tried it for the first time, and just played Arctic Adventure! (last time I played is was in ... damn I'm OLD!!!!)
low rated
phaolo: OP? Ktseymour, are you still there?
Lol Yeah sorry. I have medical issues that keep me busy.

Not quite sure what to add to the comments? I did however notice another game that supposedly does not run on newer windows and seems to have never been fixed? Shame really because I love the Settlers games :(

I should add as many others have stated that messing with DBox and other arcane fixes does get rather annoying. I've had my fill of jumping through hoops to get certain games to run on various platforms over the years, and I really don't want to, or don't have time to fix them. If a game does not work I just move on.
ktseymour: It's unfortunate but seems GOG just does not care about the games they redistribute? They have had misleading titles as the old Star Wars space sim suggested , and too many games are just broken and do not get fixed.

I've been burned a few times, one game that comes to mind is Star Trek 25th, the game for me has to be played with a keyboard , even though it has a mouse interface. The mouse Interface is just broken.

I've also seen many reviews of games that get released broken and never fixed? Why release them then? GOG used to take their time and make sure what we were getting was a fully functional solid game, and GOG built trust with gamer's .

It seems GOG no longer cares if what they sell works? I think I'll be keeping my money , thanks GOG.

The Betrayal at Krondor is still not fixed it seems ? The reviews about it being broken go back over five years, and the newest review for the game at '14 still says it's broken.
OldFatGuy: Betrayal at Krondor broken? What is broken about it? I recall Betrayal at Antara had/has an issue with a temple missing, but I've played the GOG version of Betrayal at Krondor and don't recall anything being broken. Could you refresh my memory for me?
No I don't reply to trolls ..sorry.
Post edited April 10, 2016 by ktseymour
OldFatGuy: Betrayal at Krondor broken? What is broken about it? I recall Betrayal at Antara had/has an issue with a temple missing, but I've played the GOG version of Betrayal at Krondor and don't recall anything being broken. Could you refresh my memory for me?
ktseymour: No I don't reply to trolls ..sorry.
OldFatGuy wasn't trolling -- the reviews everyone assumed you were referring to on the Betrayal At Krondor gamecard were complaining about Betrayal in Antara (which is included with BaK) being broken.
You didn't say if you contacted support about these problems. If you did and they couldn't fix it, did they refuse to offer you a refund? See, what I'm getting at here is: what is if that caused this breakdown of trust? Old games not working on certain modern systems is hardly news and in many cases can be fixed with a few workarounds.
Never trust anyone and you'll never be disappointed.

What does that mean? Does it come from Jesus? Does it come from outer space? Who cares? Yes. Who cares. That is the right answer.
low rated
I don't Trust GOG anymore either, Steam is MUCH better. GOG advertises "Guaranteed 30 Day money back guarantees" What a load of Crap! Been waiting 2 days for a Refund that has not even been Accepted OR Denied yet. and YES I DID SUBMIT IT, Several Times. At least Steam does NOT LIE. If you buy a game on Steam and want a Refund, you can literally GET a Refund. GOG Jicks you around for days after they've "Taken the Money and Ran." This GOG WebPage is a JOKE, Excellent Customer Support? NOT. If a Game crashes constantly, and has been purchased 2 days ago, why waste people's time and money by screwing around with "Workarounds?" Some of us actually Value our Time. You have ALL those employees and yet struggle on a Single Refund Order? What an UnProfessional Joke. I personally will only spend Money on Steam from now on, no more GOG Con Artist support here.
k00rt1983: ...