Posted March 07, 2016

I've been burned a few times, one game that comes to mind is Star Trek 25th, the game for me has to be played with a keyboard , even though it has a mouse interface. The mouse Interface is just broken.
I've also seen many reviews of games that get released broken and never fixed? Why release them then? GOG used to take their time and make sure what we were getting was a fully functional solid game, and GOG built trust with gamer's .
It seems GOG no longer cares if what they sell works? I think I'll be keeping my money , thanks GOG.
The Betrayal at Krondor is still not fixed it seems ? The reviews about it being broken go back over five years, and the newest review for the game at '14 still says it's broken.
Or you know, the game is nearly as old as I am and as such, maybe hasn't aged all that well? It came out in 1992.
Or maybe GOG has done all they can to keep these titles running and there's literally only so much that can be done without contacting the programmers themselves?