I want you to know that I don't judge you.
I once ate a bottle of mayonnaise in one go. One of those 800ml monsters. Didn't even use a spoon, just squeezed it straight in.
So I don't judge you.
I'd like to tell you that it's fine, that it's no big deal, and that everything will be alright. But the truth of the matter is: I'm in therapy now for depression, I don't have a job, a family, friends, or, frankly, a future. I do have a fungal infection and a tumor, though.
So I am forced to assume you're going to die. Probably horribly.
But I don't judge you.
There are times when you just have to ignore all reason and every social convention and just follow your dreams. And that's fine. No, it's more than fine - it's deeply admirable. I want you to know that your story moved me and, with a tear in my eye, I applaud you. You may have irrevocably ruined your life, but you did it for what you believed in. And that, my friend, is a lot of things: brave, bold, beautiful - but certainly not shameful.
Because at the very least you didn't put ketchup on your pasta.