Klumpen0815: Wtf is Rifftrax?
Ever heard of MST3K? Well, after that disbanded, the 3 main guys (outside of Joel who created the thing) decided to continue doing their thing on the web.
P1na: First, I thought someone had gotten the jump on GOG at selling movies.
Then I realized there's some random guys commenting over the movies? Da fuq is that?
Is it just me or is this a new low for HB?
Not sure how this is a new low. This is what the show MST3K was made for, and it's a pretty well-beloved/cult favorite show. The movies are (usually) horrible and the guys are there to make fun of what's happening on-screen (although Rifftrax does less bad movies and more popular movies now). I was thrilled when I saw that Rifftrax came out and am happy to see this bundle. I would buy the bundle if so many of the riffs weren't on Hulu Plus already.