Leroux: Btw, can anyone tell me how Dredmor and Isaac handle their DLCs? If I install them, will I still be able to play the "vanilla" version of these games, e.g. are there any options to disable the DLC content for a playthrough or do they automatically mix the old and new?
Isaac won't let you play vanilla which may be annoying, because the expansion changes the whole game significantly.
I'm not completely sure about Dredmor, I think you can't disable them, but I don't see the reason to that here :)
They really make the game better.
Niggles: On the steam version (i think its drm free anyway - someone said..havent tried it), you get the option to disable enable the Realms of the Diggle expansion before a new game, but no option the the free expansion.Havent got the other expansion on steam though so cant tell u whether thats optional or not
Yeah, you can turn off the additional dungeon levels that are added by Realms, but I don't think it blocks any other content from showing up (like more portals, items and skills).