Posted September 16, 2015
Treasure: Installing it just to post in the Steam forums/steamgifts (and I'm not even allowed to participate in steamgifts, because I haven't bought anything at all from the Steam store itself!) isn't something I can bother with. So only choice that remains is give whatever keys I have (because I prefer to pay over $1 and also occasionally buy BTAs) here in the gog forums. And, let me tell you, whenever I make those Steam keys giveaways, hardly a handful of people participates and I end up having games remaining unasked. So I don't think it's that wrong from my part to believe that bundled Steam keys aren't much in demand, in the gog forums at least...
You don't need to install the Steam client to post on the Steam forums or SteamGifts. It's all web based authentication. SteamGifts doesn't require Steam bought games, far as I know, but it does require a certain value of games which haven't been bundled, which can be a problem if you only have old games (because their current value is low and many old games have already been bundled).
Still, there are a lot of people here (like me) with SteamGifts accounts, and even a Steam group for GOG gifting and a thread here for it, so you can just send the keys to someone to make giveaways with.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by ET3D