Treasure: Wait a moment, so this bundle contains books too? And not only your average fan fiction, but actual Osprey books? This publisher is leading in terms of military history ! (I like that history subset quite a lot...) And this seems the closest we'll ever get to a history books bundle... I'm seriously tempted to get the PWYW just for these -only problem would be how I'd ever manage to get rid of all the other Steam stuff...
itchy01ca01: 1. Post on
steam forums: Free Games.
2. Profit.
Seriously. You're acting as if steam is some sort of pariah in the games community. It's really not.
Well, I do have a steam account, but I'm hardly using it, and only for games which I bought in retail ages ago without noticing the teeny tiny letters saying it needed Steam. And I'm not playing any of these atm, so I don't even have the Steam client installed on my pc. Installing it just to post in the Steam forums/steamgifts (and I'm not even allowed to participate in steamgifts, because I haven't bought anything at all from the Steam store itself!) isn't something I can bother with. So only choice that remains is give whatever keys I have (because I prefer to pay over $1 and also occasionally buy BTAs) here in the gog forums. And, let me tell you, whenever I make those Steam keys giveaways, hardly a handful of people participates and I end up having games remaining unasked. So I don't think it's that wrong from my part to believe that bundled Steam keys aren't much in demand, in the gog forums at least...