So, its basically 1 bundle per month for 12$ with 100% unpredictable content, all STEAM and all for windows? Ah, maybe "something more" sometimes.
I think that Humble is just breaking new limits in being unhumble. Ok, they basically screwed DRM-Free policy. They lost interest in being "Crossplatform". Now that.
And i kinda have feeling that this Subscribe service will be their main dish in future, cause its guaranteed profits with not much of obligations.
yyahoo: According to an IGN news article, when you subscribe you automatically receive Legend of Grimrock 2.
Each month will include:
1 "hot title" game that's less than a year old
1 "highly-acclaimed" game that's one to two years old.
1-2 hit indie games
1-2 "hidden gems" from developers
Personally, I can't really say a blind purchase like this interests me at all. I have to pick and choose most Humble offerings because I own so many games on Steam from their previous bundles in the past. I don't have a whole lot of confidence that I wouldn't get a ton of duplicates from the Monthly bundle.
I had experience with Indie Royale preorders long ago (and more recent Groupees preorders). Most times it was rather "dammit, bad joke" with more or less nice sometimes.
And that preorders was just a way to save dollar or two, Humble Monthly i guess will be only for subscribe?