Klumpen0815: DRM-free my ass.
I've requested a refund, if I don't get it, I'll never buy anything there again.
Well... Is the HB app needed merely for downloading the apk installars?
If so, then they could still be DRM-free, as long as you don't have to use the client to either install or play the games. So if the apks can be moved to another device and used there without the client, fine I guess.
It can be cumbersome though if they don't provide the web links. I keep my HB Android game apk installers on my PC hard drive from where I can easily copy and install them to any of my Android devices. Having to download them first to an Android device (and then copy them to e.g. to PC) is cumbersome. The apks already take more than 32 GB, meaning they don't all fit even on the external SD card on my tablet.
Is it a viable option to install some Android emulator on PC, and run the HB app there? Then I guess I could download the apks straigh to my hard drive.
If there is a petition to get the web links back, I'll sign it.