bler144: I think, similar to Fanatical's "Mystery Bundles" they're trying to snag the speculative buyers who get a thrill/enticement from the gamble of it who probably wouldn't have paid if they knew exactly what they were buying, whether for psychological or practical (e.g. already own whatever that TBA game is) reasons.
Leroux: I'd get that if they were revealed after the bundle ends, but they will be revealed halfway through. And with the current selection, I don't think the BTA will rise that much until next week for the premature gamble to be worth it.
I guess I'd look at it from the standpoint of how those earlier gamblers drive the BTA, since it's not just the marginal revenue of that one sale, there's also the marginal revenue of all the subsequent BTA purchases at the higher price.
But that''s 100% a guess.
And similar to your point, I suspect it was probably a more effective measure back when the bundles were more interesting/dynamic.