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madth3: The Sixth Gun alone is worth the lowest tier. Apart from that I've only read the first issue of The Bunker and it was interesting.
nothing ive seen in the current bundle interests me
and i already have 3 bundle to get through as it is

( transformers star trek and valiant )
I can recommend Capote in Kansas, Lost at Sea and Courtney Crumrin (even if I think the original b/w version is the better one). These three are really great comics.
PaterAlf: I can recommend Capote in Kansas, Lost at Sea and Courtney Crumrin (even if I think the original b/w version is the better one). These three are really great comics.
Good to know. Thanks!
I'm not that interested in Scott Pilgrim so I went for the BTA.
Some new issues added:

- I Was The Cat #2
- Meteorm Men #1
- The Auteur #2
- Princess Ugg #1
- The Life After #1
- Terrible Lizard #1

(HB is now clearly marking the additions. Nice!)
Not wanting to seem ungrateful but today's additions seem to be the weakest in the history of comic humble bundles, 6 single issues versus what often contains volume collections. Still a worthy purchase.

Also cool of them to mark new additions clearly.
undeadcow: Not wanting to seem ungrateful but today's additions seem to be the weakest in the history of comic humble bundles, 6 single issues versus what often contains volume collections. Still a worthy purchase.
I agree. I was hoping for some more The Sixth Gun, perhaps. :-)
The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle

PWYW for:
- SW Omnibus: A Long Time Ago… Volume 1 (26 issues)
- SW: Empire Volume 1 Betrayal (4 issues)
- SW: Jedi Volume 1 - The Dark Side (5 issues, complete mini-series)
- SW: Crimson Empire Volume 1 (6 issues)
- SW: Darth Maul - Death Sentence (4 issues, complete mini-series)
- SW: Blood Ties - Jango and Boba Fett (4 issues)

BTA for:
- SW: Darth Vader and the Lost Command (5 issues, complete mini-series)
- SW: The Old Republic Volume 1 - Blood of the Empire (11 issues)
- SW: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1 Commencement (7 issues)
- SW: Legacy Volume 1 - Broken (6 issues)
- SW: Dark Times Volume 1 - The Path to Nowhere (5 issues)
- SW Adventures Vol. 1: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya (80 pages)
- SW: Knight Errant Volume 1- Aflame (5 issues, complete mini-series)
- SW Omnibus: Rise of the Sith (19 issues)
- SW: Dawn of the Jedi Volume 1 - Force Storm (5 issues)

$15 or more for:
- Star Wars Volume 1: In the Shadow of Yavin (6 issues)

CBZ, PDF and ePub available, as usual
Post edited October 22, 2014 by madth3
madth3: The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle

PWYW for:
- SW Omnibus: A Long Time Ago… Volume 1
- SW: Empire Volume 1 Betrayal
- SW: Jedi Volume 1 - The Dark Side (complete mini-series)
- SW: Crimson Empire Volume 1
- SW: Darth Maul - Death Sentence (complete mini-series)
- SW: Blood Ties - Jango and Boba Fett

BTA for:
- SW: Darth Vader and the Lost Command (complete mini-series)
- SW: The Old Republic Volume 1 - Blood of the Empire
- SW: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1 Commencement
- SW: Legacy Volume 1 - Broken,
- SW: Dark Times Volume 1 - The Path to Nowhere
- More to be announced

$15 or more for:
- Star Wars Volume 1: In the Shadow of Yavin

CBZ, PDF and ePub available, as usual
^ a cool bundle which i will get as soon as possible
HypersomniacLive: Thoughts?
I'm a fan of SW and of SW comics so I can't be objective but:

- Crimson Empire and Blood Ties have been praised as good stories. I like The Lost Command too, a very interesting Vader story.

Other series (Empire, KOTR, Legacy, Dark Times) are of good quality too but it's a shame that only the first volumes are included as they require more development.

The new Star Wars series by Brian Wood ($15 dollar tier) has been praised too but it's more recent so the praise is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I have several of this comics ar Dark Horse digital but I went for BTA tier since I love having DRM-Free copies, it's cheaper thatn getting the ones I don't have and I hope Dark Horse brings more of their comics to HB.
madth3: I'm a fan of SW and of SW comics so I can't be objective but:

- Crimson Empire and Blood Ties have been praised as good stories. I like The Lost Command too, a very interesting Vader story.

Other series (Empire, KOTR, Legacy, Dark Times) are of good quality too but it's a shame that only the first volumes are included as they require more development.

The new Star Wars series by Brian Wood ($15 dollar tier) has been praised too but it's more recent so the praise is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I have several of this comics ar Dark Horse digital but I went for BTA tier since I love having DRM-Free copies, it's cheaper thatn getting the ones I don't have and I hope Dark Horse brings more of their comics to HB.
HypersomniacLive: Thoughts?
madth3: I'm a fan of SW and of SW comics so I can't be objective but:

- Crimson Empire and Blood Ties have been praised as good stories. I like The Lost Command too, a very interesting Vader story.

Other series (Empire, KOTR, Legacy, Dark Times) are of good quality too but it's a shame that only the first volumes are included as they require more development.

The new Star Wars series by Brian Wood ($15 dollar tier) has been praised too but it's more recent so the praise is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I have several of this comics ar Dark Horse digital but I went for BTA tier since I love having DRM-Free copies, it's cheaper thatn getting the ones I don't have and I hope Dark Horse brings more of their comics to HB.
I snagged this immediately too, the Dark Horse series play a role in the books canon (which is apparently irrelevant anyway)...

I am annoyed at the number of Vol 1 additions. I wish they would have put Vol 2 in the BTA or the $15 tier, that would be more compelling. I even looked on Dark Horse's site to see if I could buy a digital version of some of these volumes, but I couldn't find it - single issues only...

Is there another place to find these? Comixology doesn't seem to carry Dark Horse.
BoxOfSnoo: I even looked on Dark Horse's site to see if I could buy a digital version of some of these volumes, but I couldn't find it - single issues only...
I'm not sure these volumes are different than a collection of single issues.

For example, here is the bundle for SW:Empire that would follow the Vol. 1 in the HB (although is a different arc/story). It should be cheaper than getting the issues by themselves
Shadow of Yavin looks lonely there all alone in the $15 tier; I think this is the only comic book bundle so far to offer such limited one volume above average tier.

I got the $15 tier because this bundle looks good and I want to support Dark Horse going DRM free.

Disney seems to be snatching back commercial licenses for the Marvel properties and now that they've acquired Star Wars it's uncertain, to me, what future Star Wars has with Dark Horse - maybe someone else knows more.

Hopefully we see more Dark Horse in the Humble book bundles - I'd love an Alien Versus Predator bundle. Otherwise Kudos to Humble for rapidly going through Dr Who, Star Trek, and now Star Wars comic bundles... they've covered the classics.
Post edited October 15, 2014 by undeadcow
madth3: I'm a fan of SW and of SW comics so I can't be objective but:

- Crimson Empire and Blood Ties have been praised as good stories. I like The Lost Command too, a very interesting Vader story.

Other series (Empire, KOTR, Legacy, Dark Times) are of good quality too but it's a shame that only the first volumes are included as they require more development.

The new Star Wars series by Brian Wood ($15 dollar tier) has been praised too but it's more recent so the praise is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I have several of this comics ar Dark Horse digital but I went for BTA tier since I love having DRM-Free copies, it's cheaper thatn getting the ones I don't have and I hope Dark Horse brings more of their comics to HB.
That's very helpful! I still feel a little lost though since I never read any Star Wars where should I start and how many issues are there? Do you know if any of them are available in German?