MartiusR: Do you think that there are any chances to decrease this toxicity?
GameRager: While I don't see it as toxicity(but more as just people talking without a filter in most cases), I agree some could be nicer in how they word replies to some(or just ignore threads made by those who are rude).
But on the other hand, some who post threads here with certain ways of making titles(either accusation filled ones like "Gog won't refund my money", when they just didn't get a reply back from GOG yet on their refund request.....or ones where they vaguely write titles like "This stuff sucks, please help") don't help the situation much.
I mean how hard is it to clearly write a thread title that describes what the thread is about/what they want to know**? Or how hard is it to be polite when making a thread to ask/say something on the forums?
(**I know some people aren't english speakers, but there are foreign language forums as well, or translating sites/apps if one needs them to make a proper thread title/post)
I know, and I also don't like when someone is starting with demanding tone and with not especially polite vocabulary. But aside from that - I also always belive that it's not the reason to lower our level and answer on such topics to antagonize and give excuse to author to drag it further - much better would be just ignoring it and letting it be forgotten. Plus, it's just my personal belief, I really think that the most respectful approach is to keep standard high even when facing the very rude and low standard from someone else.
MartiusR: I respect the fact, that there are people who just want to buy and play games.
teceem: Everybody wants that.
GOG has a support system - it's not our (the forum) JOB to help people or even to be friendly about it when some communication impaired dude/dudette spouts "HELP GAME DON'T WORK THIS SUCKS". Are we trained or paid to do some good helpdesking?
If you can't understand some of the negative reactions, you might have an apathy problem yourself.
If you think that there's a lot of toxicity on the GOG forum; what's your reference? The land of rainbows and unicorns? (no I don't think that sarcasm's a bad thing) Have you visited the rest of the internetz lately?
True, but it's also not our job to give "life" to such topics with adding more negative replies and in fact giving fuel to drag the topic into unending series of nastiness. Plus I'm always assuming that there can be that single, rare situation when someone would normally not write such topic, but in anger he/she did, and it would take only short reply (if someone wishes to help) or ignore it, to let this person "calm down" and make something more sensible (e.g. contact with support).
Well, after watching Robot Chicken I don't trust unicorns anymore ;) But jokes aside - this forum (as mentioned in this topic) a couple of years ago didn't had such issues (or at least not in such magnitued) as it has nowadays. Plus I know some forums where I participated and where this toxic atmosphere never happened - like Sonic Retro (they may exaggerate in opposite way, but it's for me an example that you can have some normal atmosphere on forum). Yes, I know that those are usually more niche forums, but I'm still concerned about the GOG forum, since after facebook literally killed plenty of forums, this one is still one of those which is generally alive and I can find there people who are sharing the same passion and appreciate plenty of titles which are not saying anything to plenty of people "outside'. Can't think about any other place than GOG's forum to "go", truth be told.