Darvond: 1. Okay, yeah. That's a fair point but after so many years/encounters with this kind of thread you start to be able to tabulate which ones are dense stumps and those who actually have a clue but just need a hand.
2. Though the reality is, if games are slipping though the cracks, that doesn't speak confidence in the GOG databasing protocol, of either synchronization or recording.
3. And to the first point I can basically copy/paste the general gist. But as others have mentioned, it really isn't our job.
Until this very year, (or at least, in recent times) GOG didn't even have proper moderators to their hand because of their bizarre (probably legally enforced) hiring practices.
And much of the forums are a complete shambles in need of a dire update. Necromantic threads, organizational issues, and a general lack of specific tools, BBcode in 2020.